Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina2019-12-162019-12-162019-12-12Schouten, Maria Johanna (2019) Distance and proximity: social sciences and their approach to ‘other cultures’, Farewell lecture given at the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, 31-10-2019 this farewell lecture, some topics related to the question of culture contact are addressed. These include the various ways in which other cultures are observed and judged, with special attention paid to the approach taken by the social sciences; practices of anthropological fieldwork; and the various, historically changing attitudes and practices adopted by the so-called Western world towards other cultures, in particular those in Asia. The text is an English version of the Portuguese original.engSocial SciencesAnthropologyFieldworkContact between culturesIndonesiaSocial inequalitiesAmsterdamMinahasaOrientalismDistance and proximity: social sciences and their approach to ‘other cultures’lecture