Torres, George LucasCamacho, EmanuelMarques, Flávio D.Silva, André2022-04-042021-12-29George L. S. Torres, Emanuel. A. R. Camacho, Flávio D. Marques, André R R Silva Theoretical and Numerical Analysis of Oscillating Airfoils Including Viscous Effects AIAA SciTech 2022 Forum and Exposition, Evento Hibrido, San Diego, CA, EUA, 3-7 janeiro, 2022978-162410631-6 airfoils are the way to explore new aerodynamic phenomena which do not appear in ordinarily aeronautical applications. At lower Reynolds numbers, unsteady flow can make way to newer technologies to be implemented in areas such as extraterrestrial exploration. In the present work, the Theodorsen classical unsteady theory and a viscous extension to this model are implemented. Results from those computations are then compared with high fidelity CFD simulations using laminar and turbulent assumptions. Results obtained by using the viscous model indicate a good agreement with CFD data, although there are still some discrepancies at the trailing edge.engAirfoilNumerical AnalysisTrailing EdgesPotential FlowFree Stream VelocityCFD SimulationNo Slip ConditionAngle of AttackUnsteady AerodynamicsTurbulence ModelsTheodorsenOscillating airfoilTheoretical and Numerical Analysis of Oscillating Airfoil Including Viscous Effectsjournal article10.2514/6.2022-2026