Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina2018-10-152018-10-152016-10-12Schouten, Maria Johanna 12/10/2016 Politics in 19th-century Minahasa and the role of Eduard Douwes Dekker Cultural diversity and political dynamics in Indonesia: echoes from the past. Studium Generale. Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado. presentation displaying images to illustrate a talk on culture and colonial politics in 19th-century Minahasa (northern Sulawesi) at the Studium Generale, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado. Special attention is given to the words and works of Eduard Douwes Dekker, secretary of the Residency Manado and later the author of the iconic piece of Dutch literature, Max Havelaar.engCultural diversityColonialismGovernmentMinahasaEduard Douwes DekkerDutch literaturePolitics in 19th-century Minahasa and the role of Eduard Douwes Dekkerlecture