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A competência de comunicação assertiva desempenha um papel crucial no
empreendedorismo, destacando-se pela habilidade de transmitir informações de
maneira clara e respeitosa. Este estudo, ancorado em pesquisa bibliográfica e descritiva,
busca analisar a relevância dessa competência no desenvolvimento de futuros
profissionais de empreendedorismo, abrangendo tanto o contexto tradicional quanto o
social, especialmente entre os estudantes de mestrado na Universidade da Beira Interior.
Os resultados destacam a importância da comunicação assertiva, evidenciando seu papel
na promoção de habilidades empreendedoras em ambos os domínios.
O levantamento quantitativo conduzido com estudantes de mestrado em
empreendedorismo explora a percepção dos alunos sobre a disponibilidade de
ferramentas para aprimorar a comunicação assertiva, a eficácia das práticas
comunicativas e analisa como essa competência influencia a percepção dos alunos sobre
sua preparação. Os resultados não apenas reafirmam a importância da comunicação
assertiva, mas também apontam oportunidades para melhorar os programas de ensino
Numa perspectiva mais ampla, a pesquisa contribui significativamente para o campo do
empreendedorismo, preenchendo lacunas na literatura e enfatizando a importância
dessa competência na formação acadêmica. Os resultados indicam a necessidade de
reformas na educação empreendedora para atender às expectativas dos alunos,
preparando-os eficazmente para os desafios profissionais do mercado atual.
The competence of assertive communication plays a crucial role in entrepreneurship, standing out for the ability to convey information clearly and respectfully. This study, grounded in bibliographic and descriptive research, seeks to analyze the relevance of this competence in the development of future entrepreneurship professionals, encompassing both traditional and social contexts, especially among master's students at the University of Beira Interior. The results highlight the importance of assertive communication, showcasing its role in promoting entrepreneurial skills in both domains. The quantitative survey conducted with master's students in entrepreneurship explores students' perceptions regarding the availability of tools to enhance assertive communication, evaluates the effectiveness of communicative practices, and analyzes how this competence influences students' perceptions of their preparedness. The findings not only reaffirm the importance of assertive communication but also identify opportunities to improve entrepreneurship education programs. From a broader perspective, the research significantly contributes to the field of entrepreneurship, filling gaps in the literature and emphasizing the importance of this competence in academic formation. The results indicate the need for reforms in entrepreneurial education to meet students' expectations, effectively preparing them for the professional challenges of the current market.
The competence of assertive communication plays a crucial role in entrepreneurship, standing out for the ability to convey information clearly and respectfully. This study, grounded in bibliographic and descriptive research, seeks to analyze the relevance of this competence in the development of future entrepreneurship professionals, encompassing both traditional and social contexts, especially among master's students at the University of Beira Interior. The results highlight the importance of assertive communication, showcasing its role in promoting entrepreneurial skills in both domains. The quantitative survey conducted with master's students in entrepreneurship explores students' perceptions regarding the availability of tools to enhance assertive communication, evaluates the effectiveness of communicative practices, and analyzes how this competence influences students' perceptions of their preparedness. The findings not only reaffirm the importance of assertive communication but also identify opportunities to improve entrepreneurship education programs. From a broader perspective, the research significantly contributes to the field of entrepreneurship, filling gaps in the literature and emphasizing the importance of this competence in academic formation. The results indicate the need for reforms in entrepreneurial education to meet students' expectations, effectively preparing them for the professional challenges of the current market.
Comunicação Assertiva Empreendedorismo Empreendedorismo Social Ensino