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Caminhar no sentido de executar processos internos com qualidade e sem falhas é
primordial para a credibilidade das instituições.
Este trabalho foi realizado com o intuito de identificar as falhas existentes no processo
administrativo de distribuição de estudantes do 6.º ano do Mestrado Integrado em
Medicina em residências/especialidades inseridas na Unidade Curricular (UC) Prática
Clínica. A identificação destas falhas permitirá uma melhoria da qualidade nestes
procedimentos e o aumento do grau de satisfação dos estudantes e colaboradores
envolvidos nesta tarefa.
Para atingir esse objetivo utilizou-se uma abordagem de pesquisa qualitativa realizada por
meio de estudo de caso. Como instrumentos metodológicos foram efetuados ciclos de
brainstorming, um fluxograma de análise do processo e o preenchimento do formulário
Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA).
Os potenciais modos de falhas encontrados permitiram que fossem propostas melhorias de
acordo com a realidade da Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde (FCS).
Os resultados demonstraram que existe uma necessidade urgente de melhorar 60% das
atividades inerentes ao processo em estudo através de regulamentação, execução de
procedimentos transversais, criação de formulários e comunicação interna.
Algumas dessas propostas foram implementadas esperando-se que o recálculo do Risk
Priority Number (RPN) a efetuar no final do ano letivo 2022/2023 seja mais favorável.
Moving towards executing internal processes with quality and irreproachably is essential for the credibility of the institutions. This work was carried out with the aim of identifying the existing flaws in the administrative distribution process of students in the 6th year of the Integrated Master’s in Medicine by the residencies/specialities included in the Curricular Unit (CU) Clinical Practice. The identification of these flaws will allow an improvement in the quality of these procedures and an increase in the degree of satisfaction of the students and staff involved in this task. To achieve this objective, a qualitative research approach was used, carried out through a case study. As methodological instruments, brainstorming cycles, a process analysis flowchart and filling out the Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA) form were carried out. The potential failure modes found allowed for improvement proposals in accordance with the reality of the Faculty of Health Sciences (FCS). The results showed that there is an urgent need to improve 60% of the activities inherent to the process under study through regulation, execution of transversal procedures, creation of forms and internal communication. Some of these proposals have been implemented with the expectation that the recalculation of the Number of Risk Priority (NRP), to be performed at the end of the academic year 2022/2023, will be more favourable.
Moving towards executing internal processes with quality and irreproachably is essential for the credibility of the institutions. This work was carried out with the aim of identifying the existing flaws in the administrative distribution process of students in the 6th year of the Integrated Master’s in Medicine by the residencies/specialities included in the Curricular Unit (CU) Clinical Practice. The identification of these flaws will allow an improvement in the quality of these procedures and an increase in the degree of satisfaction of the students and staff involved in this task. To achieve this objective, a qualitative research approach was used, carried out through a case study. As methodological instruments, brainstorming cycles, a process analysis flowchart and filling out the Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA) form were carried out. The potential failure modes found allowed for improvement proposals in accordance with the reality of the Faculty of Health Sciences (FCS). The results showed that there is an urgent need to improve 60% of the activities inherent to the process under study through regulation, execution of transversal procedures, creation of forms and internal communication. Some of these proposals have been implemented with the expectation that the recalculation of the Number of Risk Priority (NRP), to be performed at the end of the academic year 2022/2023, will be more favourable.
Confiabilidade Falhas Fmea Melhoria Processos Administrativos Qualidade