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- Documentos pré-1975 sobre Timor: antigos, mas não antiquadosPublication . Schouten, Maria Johanna ChristinaA antropologia e o colonialismo português têm um passado em comum. Durante o século XX, os chamados povos indígenas da Ásia e África foram objeto de observação e estudo por numerosos administradores, missionários, militares e cientistas coloniais portugueses. Segue o resumo do posfácio, em língua inglesa: In this book various authors, in their analyses of diverse ethnographic material dating from the colonial period, consider the relationship between anthropology and colonialism on the island of Timor. While the chapters focus on eastern Timor (now Timor-Leste) under Portuguese colonial rule, this Afterword also addresses the western (now Indonesian) part of the island and the ethnographic work carried out in the era of Dutch colonial supremacy, mainly by government officials and missionaries. Hence, some data about western Timor are included in the discussion of themes that are paramount throughout the book, and the use of data on both parts of the Island is recommended for anthropological research. In the final part, mention is made of some Dutch contributions to the ethnography on Timor, and its relationship with the development of theory in anthropology in the 1950s and 1960s.
- O Instituto Europeu para a Igualdade de Género (EIGE)Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna ChristinaOverview of the main activities and achievements of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), considered in the context of the gender policies in Europe and the factors and developments promoting or thwarting gender equality. EIGE, as an Agency of the European Union, collects, processes and disseminates data on gender relations and aims to stimulate and support decisionmakers to implement policies fostering greater justice in this area. This text is a chapter in a general book, in the Portuguese language, on diverse institutions of the European Union.
- Kontribusi di tengah kemunduran demokrasiPublication . Schouten, Maria JohannaPreface to a study of political processes at local and regional level in Indonesia, highlighting the areas of Sumenep (eastern Madura) and Manado (northern Sulawesi) in the first years of the new millennium, following the collapse of the authoritarian regime of president Suharto. The processes of decentralization and the measures intended to bring about democratization, which were then initiated, had a diversity of effects.