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Moreno-Pérez, Víctor

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  • Adductor squeeze test and groin injuries in elite football players: A prospective study
    Publication . Moreno-Pérez, Víctor; Travassos, Bruno; Calado, António; Gonzalo-Skok, Oliver; Del Coso, Juan; Mendez-Villanueva, A.
    during the competitive season of professional football teams. Design: Prospective Cohort study. Setting: Controlled laboratory environment. Participants: Seventy-one players volunteered to participate. Main outcome measures: In the pre-season, maximal hip adductor strength was measured by means of the isometric adductor squeeze test. Hip adductor strength, normalized by body mass, was compared between players who suffered a groin injury (n ¼ 18) vs uninjured players (n ¼ 53). Risk ratios (RR) were used to evaluate the likelihood of players to suffer this type of injury. Results: Most of the reported groin injuries occurred during competitive matches (5.5 per 1000 match hours). Maximal isometric hip adductor strength was lower in the groin-injured group compared with their uninjured counterparts (429.8 ± 100 vs 564 ± 58.7 N, d¼ 1.58 and 5.40 ± 1.27 vs 7.71 ± 0.89 N/kg, d¼ 1.88, respectively). Results revealed that values of maximal isometric adductor strength lower than 465.33 N increased the probability to suffer a groin injury by 72%. Furthermore, values of force relative to body mass lower than 6.971 N/kg increased the probability to suffer a groin injury by 83%. Conclusion: The assessment of Hip adductor strength, in addition to other measurements, might help practitioners to determine the probability of suffering an overuse groin injuries in elite football players.