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Research Center in Sports Sciences, Health and Human Development



Match Analysis of Soccer Refereeing Using Spatiotemporal Data: A Case Study
Publication . Gonçalves, Bruno; Coutinho, Diogo; Travassos, Bruno; Brito, João; Figueiredo, Pedro
This case study explored how spatiotemporal data can develop key metrics to evaluate and understand elite soccer referees’ performance during one elite soccer match. The dynamic position of players from both teams, the ball and three elite referees allowed to capture the following performance metrics: (i) assistant referees: alignment with the second last defender; (ii) referee: referee diagonal movement—a position density was computed and a principal component analysis was carried to identify the directions of greatest variability; and (iii) referee: assessing the distance from the referee to the ball. All computations were processed when the ball was in-play and separated by 1st and 2nd halves. The first metric showed an alignment lower than 1 m between the assistant referee and the second last defender. The second metric showed that in the 1st half, the referee position ellipsis area was 548 m2, which increased during the 2nd half (671 m2). The third metric showed an increase in the distance from the referee to the ball and >80% of the distance between 5–30 m during the 2nd half. The findings may be used as a starting point to elaborate normative behavior models from the referee’s movement performance in soccer.
The Co-Occurrence of Satisfaction and Frustration of Basic Psychological Needs and Its Relationship with Exercisers’ Motivation
Publication . Rodrigues, Filipe; Macedo, Rita; Teixeira, Diogo; Cid, Luis; Travassos, Bruno; Neiva, Henrique; Monteiro, Diogo
Although the relationship between both need frustration and, particularly, need satisfaction and different motivational regulations for exercise has been widely examined in the literature, little is known about the co-occurrence of both need satisfaction and need frustration in the exercise context. Grounded in self-determination theory, the present study aimed to examine the effects of both need satisfaction and frustration on motivational regulations for exercise, by applying a response surface analysis approach. In total, 477 regular exercisers aged 18–54 years participated in this study. The interaction between needs (high on both need satisfaction and frustration) displayed a positive and significant association with amotivation, integrated regulation, and intrinsic motivation. Considering the direction of the discrepancy (high vs. low levels of need satisfaction and frustration) related to the behavioral regulations, results showed that higher need satisfaction relative to need frustration was associated with more self-determined regulations of motivation. Contrarily, higher need satisfaction relative to need frustration was associated with lower scores on amotivation, external, introjected, and identified regulation. Overall, these findings extend previous literature, suggesting that need satisfaction and frustration are distinct factors that can be experienced simultaneously in individuals during exercise and that different degrees of both needs have different associations with behavioral regulations.
Talent Identification and Development in Male Futsal: A Systematic Review
Publication . Mendes, Diogo; Travassos, Bruno; Carmo, José Miguel; Cardoso, Felippe; Costa, Israel; Sarmento, Hugo
This review aimed to identify and synthesize the most significant literature addressing talent identification and development in futsal. A systematic review of Web of Science™ (all databases), Scopus, PubMed and SPORTDiscus databases was performed according to the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses guidelines. This study included original articles in English, Spanish or Portuguese containing relevant data on talent development/identification of male futsal players. The search yielded 238 articles. After screening, a total of 32 manuscripts were fully reviewed. The quality of the data reviewed was generally good. Results indicate that the most successful players exhibit technical, tactical, anthropometric, physiological and psychological advantages and are distinguished from lower-level players based on their earlier dedication to training. This review highlights the need for those involved in the process of identifying and developing talented futsal players to consider the technical and tactical skills of futsal players, along with their anthropometric and physiological characteristics, scaled to age. Finally, special attention should be paid to the supportive psychosocial environments created in sports academies for developing futsal players. Overall, talent identification and development programmes in futsal need to be dynamic and offer the possibility of changing assessment parameters in the long term.
Clustering ball possession duration according to players’ role in football small-sided games
Publication . Coutinho, Diogo; Gonçalves, Bruno; Laakso, Timo; Travassos, Bruno
This study aimed to explore which offensive variables best discriminate the ball possession duration according to players specific role (defenders, midfielders, attackers) during a Gk +3vs3+Gk football small-sided games. Fifteen under-15 players (age 13.2±1.0 years, playing experience 4.2±1.0 years) were grouped according to their positions (team of defenders, n = 5; team of midfielders, n = 7; team of attackers, n = 3). On each testing day (n = 3), each team performed one bout of 5-min against each team in a random order, accounting for a total of nine bouts in the following scenarios: i) defenders vs midfielders; ii) defenders vs attackers; iii) midfielders vs attackers. Based on video, a notational analysis process allowed to capture individual and collective actions. According to each playing position group, discriminant analysis was used to identify relevant variables that discriminate different ball possession sequences (short, medium, and long). The analysis revealed the existence of three clusters according to ball possession duration, classified as short sequence (~4 seconds), medium sequence (~10 seconds) and long sequence (~18 seconds). The number of touches per possession was the variable that discriminates the ball possession duration from all playing positions while passing actions were related to midfielders and attackers. In addition, different ball possessions sequences in the attackers were also discriminated by the number of players involved per possession. Accordingly, to increase the duration of the offensive phase during small-sided games, coaches should foster the players’ ability to stay on the ball, as it may amplify their opportunities to maintain the ball possession. In addition, coaches may also include reward rules to encourage midfielders and attackers’ passing actions and the number of attackers involved during the attack to promote longer ball possessions durations.
Validity and Reliability of the Smart Groin Trainer for Measuring Hip Adduction Strength
Publication . Sousa, António Carlos; Marques, Diogo Luís; Calado, António Manuel; Pacheco, Carlos; Marinho, Daniel; Marques, Mário Cardoso; Travassos, Bruno
We analyzed the Smart Groin Trainer device's validity and reliability to measure the isometric hip adduction strength during the adductor squeeze strength test. Fifteen professional soccer players (25.33±4.06 years) and fifteen university students (21.60±1.76 years) participated in this study. All participants performed the squeeze strength test using two portable dynamometers: Smart Groin Trainer and Globus Ergometer. Three maximal isometric hip adduction contractions lasting 5s, interspersed by 3min rest intervals, were performed. Reliability was analyzed with intraclass correlation coefficients, standard error of measurements, and minimal detectable change. The absolute percent error and inter-device accuracy were also analyzed. Correlation analysis assessed the inter-device concurrent validity. The results found no significant differences (p>0.05) between devices in the squeeze strength test values in soccer players and university students. Inter-device comparisons revealed excellent levels of reliability and accuracy in soccer players. Concurrent validity measures revealed strong inter-device relationships in soccer players (r=0.89) and very strong relationships in university students (r=0.99). Intra-device analysis using the Smart Groin Trainer showed excellent relative and absolute reliability in tested soccer players. Our data demonstrated excellent levels of agreement between both dynamometers during the squeeze strength test, suggesting the Smart Groin Trainer as a valid, reliable, and accurate device to measure isometric hip adduction strength.

Organizational Units





Funding agency

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Funding programme

6817 - DCRRNI ID

Funding Award Number
