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Variable Density Approach for Modeling of Transcritical and Supercritical Jets
Publication . Antunes, Eduardo Luís Santos Farias; Silva, A. R. R.; Barata, Jorge M M
In order to study the high pressure and high temperature operating condition of a variety of internal combustion engines such as modern diesel engines, gas turbines and liquid fuel rocket engines, a cryogenic nitrogen jet injected into supercritical chamber conditions was simulated numerically. The favre averaged navier-stokes equations were employed together with a “k-ε” Turbulence Model and using instead of an ideal gas equation of state, the Amagat’s law in an approach originally conceived for gaseous turbulent jets with variable density. The present study describes the assessment of the capabilities of the approach by comparison against experimental data as well as numerical simulation performed by other researcher. The obtained results show an acceptable agreement with experiments for the axial density distribution, failing slightly in the prediction of the jet potential core. Good agreement is observed for radial density distribution as well as for the jet spreading rate.
RANS Modeling of Transcritical and Supercritical Nitrogen Jets
Publication . Antunes, Eduardo Luís Santos Farias; Silva, André; Barata, Jorge M M
The present work is dedicated to the study of cryogenic nitrogen jets under supercritical chamber conditions with the objective of simulating the process of fuel injection inside a combustion engine. In order to do so, a numerical simulation using a RANS model was performed over two case studies previously analyzed by other authors both in experimental and numerical studies. The result obtained by the present numerical approach were then compared with previous results and this way accessed the capabilities of RANS approach using a k-ε turbulence model in which the density is calculated through the mixture fraction value to correctly model cryogenic jets at supercritical conditions. The results show the ability to achieve good agreement with other studies for the axial density distribution however for other parameters like the jet spreading angle the same agreement was not found.

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Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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