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O tema do alojamento urgente e temporário é explorado nesta dissertação numa tentativa
de enquadrar o problema complexo e multifacetado que o abrigo temporário de milhares
de pessoas origina, seja por catástrofes naturais - sismos, tempestades, tsunamis, entre
outros -, crises humanitárias ou conflitos armados, que necessariamente força milhares
de pessoas a sair do seu país e a cruzar fronteira(s). Quando estas pessoas deslocadas
cruzam fronteiras, em grandes fluxos, e são acolhidos por países que não têm nem
estrutura nem recursos necessários para dar uma resposta imediata, surge a arquitetura
de emergência (ou o abrigo de emergência), como fundamental para garantir o alojamento
e a resposta às necessidades básicas, na sua maioria vinculadas à ação de organizações
humanitárias. Por sua vez estas estruturas de acolhimentos temporários surgem com o
intuito de serem facilmente construídos, de rápida execução e baixo custo, o que muitas
vezes compromete a privacidade e a dignidade, mas também a sua sustentabilidade. O
Arquiteto Shigeru Ban surge neste contexto, como uma referência no que toca à
arquitetura humanitária, por projetar o objeto para ser montado e desmontado em
qualquer território, e depois, quando desmontado, para além de serem reutilizados, o
território fica intacto. Verificamos que o acolhimento difere em função do contexto,
dependendo do país de acolhimento, assim como as estratégias de integração. É factual
que o fluxo de migração tem estado a sofrer um crescente e significativo aumento à escala
global, chegando a atingir no ano de 2022, 108.4 milhões de deslocados forçados em
todo o mundo (ACNUR, 2023), crescimento que se verificou também no espaço europeu
afetando o processo de solicitação de asilo e, consequentemente, as estratégias de
Em Portugal, foi criado um programa de apoio de soluções de alojamento de urgente e
temporário BNAUT (Bolsa Nacional de Alojamento Urgente e Temporário) financiado por
fundos do PRR (Programa de Recuperação e Resiliência) via Habitação, na tentativa de
oferecer soluções temporárias, de emergência ou de transição às camadas mais
vulneráveis, que no caso do Fundão, é especificamente direcionada para requerentes de
asilo, refugiados e migrantes. A investigação tem, por isso, como estudo de caso a cidade
do Fundão para a qual explora um estudo prévio para 16 fogos, examinando as
abordagens e os desfechos desta iniciativa e posicionando-a no contexto global como
uma contribuição inovadora e exemplar para o problema em questão.
The theme of urgent and temporary housing is explored in this dissertation in an attempt to frame the complex and multifaceted problem that temporary shelter for thousands of people entails, whether due to natural disasters - earthquakes, storms, tsunamis, among others - humanitarian crises, or armed conflicts, which necessarily force thousands of people to leave their country and cross borders. When these displaced people cross borders in large flows and are received by countries that lack the necessary structure and resources to provide an immediate response, emergency architecture (or emergency shelter) becomes fundamental to ensure accommodation and meet basic needs, mostly provided by humanitarian organizations. These temporary shelters are intended to be easily constructed, quickly executed, and low-cost, which often compromises privacy and dignity, as well as their sustainability. Architect Shigeru Ban emerges in this context as a reference in humanitarian architecture, for designing structures to be assembled and disassembled in any territory, and afterwards, when dismantled, not only can they be reused, but the territory remains intact. We find that the reception differs depending on the context, the host country, and the integration strategies. It is factual that migration flows have been experiencing a significant and increasing rise on a global scale, reaching 108.4 million forcibly displaced people worldwide in 2022 (UNHCR, 2023), a growth also seen in the European space affecting the asylum application process and, consequently, reception strategies. In Portugal, a support program for urgent and temporary housing solutions called BNAUT (National Urgent and Temporary Housing Pool) was created, funded by PRR (Recovery and Resilience Plan) through Housing, in an attempt to offer temporary, emergency, or transitional solutions to the most vulnerable groups, which in the case of Fundão, is specifically directed at asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants. Therefore, the research has as its case study the city of Fundão, for which it explores a preliminary study for 16 housing units, examining the approaches and outcomes of this initiative and positioning it in the global context as an innovative and exemplary contribution to the issue at hand.
The theme of urgent and temporary housing is explored in this dissertation in an attempt to frame the complex and multifaceted problem that temporary shelter for thousands of people entails, whether due to natural disasters - earthquakes, storms, tsunamis, among others - humanitarian crises, or armed conflicts, which necessarily force thousands of people to leave their country and cross borders. When these displaced people cross borders in large flows and are received by countries that lack the necessary structure and resources to provide an immediate response, emergency architecture (or emergency shelter) becomes fundamental to ensure accommodation and meet basic needs, mostly provided by humanitarian organizations. These temporary shelters are intended to be easily constructed, quickly executed, and low-cost, which often compromises privacy and dignity, as well as their sustainability. Architect Shigeru Ban emerges in this context as a reference in humanitarian architecture, for designing structures to be assembled and disassembled in any territory, and afterwards, when dismantled, not only can they be reused, but the territory remains intact. We find that the reception differs depending on the context, the host country, and the integration strategies. It is factual that migration flows have been experiencing a significant and increasing rise on a global scale, reaching 108.4 million forcibly displaced people worldwide in 2022 (UNHCR, 2023), a growth also seen in the European space affecting the asylum application process and, consequently, reception strategies. In Portugal, a support program for urgent and temporary housing solutions called BNAUT (National Urgent and Temporary Housing Pool) was created, funded by PRR (Recovery and Resilience Plan) through Housing, in an attempt to offer temporary, emergency, or transitional solutions to the most vulnerable groups, which in the case of Fundão, is specifically directed at asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants. Therefore, the research has as its case study the city of Fundão, for which it explores a preliminary study for 16 housing units, examining the approaches and outcomes of this initiative and positioning it in the global context as an innovative and exemplary contribution to the issue at hand.
Arquitetura de Emergência Bnaut Catástrofes Fundão Refugiados