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Estruturas como albufeiras de barragens e diques existentes em águas interiores afetam o curso
natural e fluxo da água causando assim alterações físicas no ambiente onde são construídos,
alterações estas provocadas pela acumulação de grandes volumes de água por longos períodos de
tempo podem provocar a instabilidade das encostas colocando assim em causa a segurança
estrutural da barragem e por consequência das populações e equipamentos a jusante da
barragem, bem como das encostas adjacentes às albufeiras. A acumulação de detritos nos fundos
dos corpos de água vai também afetar o normal fluxo de águas causando alterações nas correntes.
Utilizando sistemas de informação geográfica é feita uma análise da erosão potencial e deposição
de sedimentos nas encostas da Serra da Estrela para localizar potenciais locais de acumulação de
sedimentos em corpos de água e erosão das encostas para posteriormente realizar um estudo das
alterações físicas numa albufeira utilizando medições batimétricas com recurso a veículo não
tripulado de modo a identificar potenciais riscos na estabilidade das encostas e outras estruturas
Nos últimos anos tem-se verificado uma aceleração da perda dos solos em algumas regiões, muito
por consequência das alterações climáticas e pelos incêndios registados cada vez com mais
severidade e com mais frequência nas mesmas zonas, não permitindo assim uma regeneração
natural da vegetação que impediria parte dos fenómenos de erosão. Foi possível realizar uma
predição de zonas com potencial erosivo, e em zonas onde não foi possível fazer uma análise geral
como são as zonas submersas, a recolha de dados pode ser complementada com recurso a veículos
não tripulados.
Foi realizada a análise de perda dos solos no PNSE tendo sido identificadas as zonas de maior
suscetibilidade, por análise multicritério em ambiente SIG. Foram ainda desenvolvidos uma
metodologia e um protótipo de um veículo aquático não tripulado automatizado que permite a
recolha de informação morfológica subaquática em albufeiras, complementando a informação
subaérea. A integração desta informação poderá auxiliar na determinação da variação da
capacidade útil de albufeiras. Esta informação é determinante na definição de políticas
estratégicas de utilização de recursos hídricos, tendo em particular atenção as alterações
Structures such as dam reservoirs and existing dikes in inland waters affect the natural course and flow of water, thus causing physical changes in the environment where they are built. The changes caused by the accumulation of large volumes of water for long periods of time can cause slope instability. thus jeopardizing the structural safety of the dam and, consequently, the populations and equipment downstream of the dam, as well as the slopes adjacent to the reservoirs. The accumulation of debris at the bottom of bodies of water will also affect the normal flow of water causing changes in currents. Using geographic information systems, an analysis of potential erosion and deposition of sediments on the slopes of Serra da Estrela is carried out to locate potential sites of accumulation of sediments in bodies of water and erosion of slopes to later carry out a study of the physical changes in a reservoir by bathymetric measurements using an unmanned vehicle in order to identify potential risks to the stability of slopes and other submerged structures. In recent years, there has been an acceleration of soil loss in some regions, largely as a result of climate change and fires that have been increasingly severe and more frequently recorded in the same areas, thus not allowing a natural regeneration of vegetation that would prevent part of the erosion phenomena. It was possible to predict areas with erosive potential, and in areas where it was not possible to make a general analysis such as submerged areas, data collection can be complemented using unmanned vehicles. A soil loss analysis was carried out in the PNSE and the areas of greatest susceptibility were identified by multicriteria analysis in a GIS environment. A methodology and a prototype of an automated unmanned water vehicle were also developed that allows the collection of underwater morphological information in reservoirs, complementing the subaerial information. The integration of this information may help to determine the variation in the useful capacity of reservoirs. This information is crucial in defining strategic policies for the use of water resources, particularly considering climate change.
Structures such as dam reservoirs and existing dikes in inland waters affect the natural course and flow of water, thus causing physical changes in the environment where they are built. The changes caused by the accumulation of large volumes of water for long periods of time can cause slope instability. thus jeopardizing the structural safety of the dam and, consequently, the populations and equipment downstream of the dam, as well as the slopes adjacent to the reservoirs. The accumulation of debris at the bottom of bodies of water will also affect the normal flow of water causing changes in currents. Using geographic information systems, an analysis of potential erosion and deposition of sediments on the slopes of Serra da Estrela is carried out to locate potential sites of accumulation of sediments in bodies of water and erosion of slopes to later carry out a study of the physical changes in a reservoir by bathymetric measurements using an unmanned vehicle in order to identify potential risks to the stability of slopes and other submerged structures. In recent years, there has been an acceleration of soil loss in some regions, largely as a result of climate change and fires that have been increasingly severe and more frequently recorded in the same areas, thus not allowing a natural regeneration of vegetation that would prevent part of the erosion phenomena. It was possible to predict areas with erosive potential, and in areas where it was not possible to make a general analysis such as submerged areas, data collection can be complemented using unmanned vehicles. A soil loss analysis was carried out in the PNSE and the areas of greatest susceptibility were identified by multicriteria analysis in a GIS environment. A methodology and a prototype of an automated unmanned water vehicle were also developed that allows the collection of underwater morphological information in reservoirs, complementing the subaerial information. The integration of this information may help to determine the variation in the useful capacity of reservoirs. This information is crucial in defining strategic policies for the use of water resources, particularly considering climate change.
Albufeiras Barragens Batimetria Encostas Erosão Eups Instabilidade Lidar Monitorização Sedimentação Sig Sonar Topografia