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A evasão de estudantes no ensino superior, é um problema sério e preocupante para as
autoridades competentes. Esta questão, não afeta apenas o indivíduo que abandona, mas
também a instituição, família e a sociedade em geral. Com o desenvolvimento atual da
ciência e da tecnologia, a partir dos dados educacionais registados, a previsão eficiente
do abandono dos alunos é atualmente um tema importante de investigação.
Este trabalho centra-se na identificação e prevenção do risco de abandono na UNIKIVI
com base no desempenho escolar dos alunos. Propomos um conjunto de dados
académicos como atributos preditivos e apresentamos modelos de aprendizagem
automática que procedem ao agrupamento de alunos utilizando algumas destas
características. Espera-se que o modelo sintetizado seja capaz de tipificar o risco de
O objetivo geral é criar um modelo de aprendizagem automática capaz de prever
problemas como a evasão dos alunos inscritos e o aumento da taxa de reprovações na
instituição. A aplicação desse modelo pode ajudar a identificar os alunos que estão em
risco de abandonar a escola, permitindo que a instituição tome medidas preventivas para
evitar a evasão escolar. Além disso, a análise dos dados académicos pode ajudar a
identificar situações iminentes de abandono e propor ações para minimizar a evasão
Nesse sentido, foram recolhidos dados académicos de cinco cursos diferentes
correspondentes a 7 anos letivos(de 2016/2017 a 2022/2023 dos cursos de Contabilidade
e gestão, Hidráulica e saneamento de água, Agronomia, Engenharia Informática e
Enfermagem). Após a recolha do percurso académico dos alunos, a anonimização da
informação e o pré-processamento dos dados, foi conduzido um processo de engenharia
e seleção de atributos, construindo assim os conjuntos de dados. Para encontrar padrões
de comportamento entre os alunos, foi usado um algoritmo de aprendizagem automática
de agrupamento, conhecido como modelo Kprototypes. Isso pode ajudar a dividir os
alunos em grupos com características semelhantes. Também utilizamos alguns modelos
de classificação, como Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machines (SVM) e Decision
Tree (DT), para prever a probabilidade de desistência de cada aluno com base nesses
grupos e, por fim, usamos métricas apropriadas, como precisão, recall e medida F1, para
avaliar a precisão dos modelos. A utilização desta metodologia pode ajudar as
instituições do ensino superior a melhorar o desempenho dos alunos e reduzir as taxas
de evasão escolar.
The evasion of students at UNIKIVI (Kimpa Vita University) is a serious and worrying problem for the competent authorities. It affects not only the individual who leaves, but also the institution, the family, and the province in general. With the current development of science and technology. From the recorded educational data, efficient prediction of student abandonment is currently a hot topic of research. This work focuses on the identification and prevention of the risk of abandonment at UNIKIVI based on the school performance of students. We propose a set of academic information as predictive attributes and present machine learning model that is grouping of students according to some characteristics and the model will present an accuracy at risk of withdrawal. The overall objective is to create a machine learning model capable of predicting problems such as the evasion of enrolled students and the increase in the rate of rejection in the institution. Applying this technique can help identify students who are at risk of leaving school, allowing the institution to take preventive measures to prevent school leaving. Furthermore, the analysis of academic data can help to identify outstanding abandonment situations and propose actions to minimize school dropout. In this regard, 7 years of academic data from five different courses were collected (academic years from 2016/2017 to 2022 and courses in Accounting and Management, Hydraulics and Water Sanitation, Agronomy, Computer Engineering and Nursing). After the collection of the students' academic path, the anonymization of the information and the pre-processing of the data, a process of engineering and selection of attributes was carried out, thus constructing the datasets. To find patterns of behavior among students, a grouping machine learning algorithm, known as the K-prototypes model, was used. This can help to divide students into groups with similar characteristics. We also use some classification models, such as Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Decision Tree (DT), to predict the probability of each student's withdrawal based on these groups and, finally, we use appropriate metrics such as precision, recall and F1 points to assess the accuracy of the models. Using this technique can help the institution improve student performance and reduce school dropout rates.
The evasion of students at UNIKIVI (Kimpa Vita University) is a serious and worrying problem for the competent authorities. It affects not only the individual who leaves, but also the institution, the family, and the province in general. With the current development of science and technology. From the recorded educational data, efficient prediction of student abandonment is currently a hot topic of research. This work focuses on the identification and prevention of the risk of abandonment at UNIKIVI based on the school performance of students. We propose a set of academic information as predictive attributes and present machine learning model that is grouping of students according to some characteristics and the model will present an accuracy at risk of withdrawal. The overall objective is to create a machine learning model capable of predicting problems such as the evasion of enrolled students and the increase in the rate of rejection in the institution. Applying this technique can help identify students who are at risk of leaving school, allowing the institution to take preventive measures to prevent school leaving. Furthermore, the analysis of academic data can help to identify outstanding abandonment situations and propose actions to minimize school dropout. In this regard, 7 years of academic data from five different courses were collected (academic years from 2016/2017 to 2022 and courses in Accounting and Management, Hydraulics and Water Sanitation, Agronomy, Computer Engineering and Nursing). After the collection of the students' academic path, the anonymization of the information and the pre-processing of the data, a process of engineering and selection of attributes was carried out, thus constructing the datasets. To find patterns of behavior among students, a grouping machine learning algorithm, known as the K-prototypes model, was used. This can help to divide students into groups with similar characteristics. We also use some classification models, such as Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Decision Tree (DT), to predict the probability of each student's withdrawal based on these groups and, finally, we use appropriate metrics such as precision, recall and F1 points to assess the accuracy of the models. Using this technique can help the institution improve student performance and reduce school dropout rates.
Abandono Escolar Aprendizagem Automática Classificação e
Kprototypes Desempenho Académico