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A Neuroarquitetura Ă© um campo emergente de estudo que examina o impacto que
o ambiente construĂdo poderĂĄ ter no comportamento humano.
O cérebro desempenha um papel fundamental na adaptação, desenvolvimento, e
sobrevivĂȘncia do ser humano. Disso, dependem as respostas fĂsicas e cognitivas que
manifestamos a determinadas situaçÔes, ou ao ambiente que nos rodeia. O meio
ambiente, a arquitetura, tem um impacto significativo na vida das pessoas e afeta as
nossas habilidades, e as nossas emoçÔes. Por isso, a arquitetura deve assumir
responsabilidade na criação de espaços, visto que, o espaço projetado por nós arquitetos,
pode causar mudanças comportamentais no utilizador. Com a aplicação da neurociĂȘncia
Ă arquitetura, a que chamamos Neuroarquitetura, Ă© possĂvel transferir para dados
mensuråveis as sensaçÔes que o ambiente provoca nas pessoas. Esta disciplina promove
uma projeção definida por avanços na neurociĂȘncia, mas sem perder o contexto cultural
e simbĂłlico da arquitetura. Embora Neuroarquitetura seja um termo relativamente
recente, a arquitetura centrada na pessoa nĂŁo Ă© algo novo. Ao longo dos anos, houve um
acréscimo nas investigaçÔes sobre o tema do ponto de vista cognitivo e fenomenológico,
e esse conhecimento, combinado com o que sabemos hoje, graças Ă neurociĂȘncia,
permitiu-nos ter uma melhor compreensĂŁo dos processos cerebrais que ocorrem quando
estamos expostos a um determinado ambiente construĂdo.
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo explorar a relação entre a Neuroarquitetura
e o comportamento humano, com foco na cor e forma do ambiente construĂdo. O estudo
investiga pesquisas e teorias existentes relacionadas ao tema e apresenta descobertas e
implicaçÔes especĂficas para pesquisas futuras.
Neuroarchitecture is an emerging field of study that examines the impact that the built environment can have on human behavior. The brain plays a fundamental role in human adaptation, development and survival. The physical and cognitive responses we make to certain situations or to the environment around us depend on it. The environment, architecture, has a significant impact on people's lives and affects our abilities and emotions. For this reason, architecture must take responsibility for the creation of spaces, since the space designed by us architects can cause behavioral changes in the user. With the application of neuroscience to architecture, which we call Neuroarchitecture, it is possible to transfer the sensations that the environment provokes in people into measurable data. This discipline promotes a projection defined by advances in neuroscience, but without losing the cultural and symbolic context of architecture. Although Neuroarchitecture is a relatively recent term, person-centered architecture is not new. Over the years, there has been an increase in research on the subject from a cognitive and phenomenological point of view, and this knowledge, combined with what we know today thanks to neuroscience, has allowed us to have a better understanding of the brain processes that occur when we are exposed to a particular built environment. This dissertation aims to explore the relationship between Neuroarchitecture and human behavior, with a focus on the influence of the built environment. The study investigates existing research and theories related to the topic and presents specific findings and implications for future research. This dissertation aims to explore the relationship between Neuroarchitecture and human behavior, with a focus on color and form in the built environment. The study investigates existing research and theories related to the topic and presents specific findings and implications for future research.
Neuroarchitecture is an emerging field of study that examines the impact that the built environment can have on human behavior. The brain plays a fundamental role in human adaptation, development and survival. The physical and cognitive responses we make to certain situations or to the environment around us depend on it. The environment, architecture, has a significant impact on people's lives and affects our abilities and emotions. For this reason, architecture must take responsibility for the creation of spaces, since the space designed by us architects can cause behavioral changes in the user. With the application of neuroscience to architecture, which we call Neuroarchitecture, it is possible to transfer the sensations that the environment provokes in people into measurable data. This discipline promotes a projection defined by advances in neuroscience, but without losing the cultural and symbolic context of architecture. Although Neuroarchitecture is a relatively recent term, person-centered architecture is not new. Over the years, there has been an increase in research on the subject from a cognitive and phenomenological point of view, and this knowledge, combined with what we know today thanks to neuroscience, has allowed us to have a better understanding of the brain processes that occur when we are exposed to a particular built environment. This dissertation aims to explore the relationship between Neuroarchitecture and human behavior, with a focus on the influence of the built environment. The study investigates existing research and theories related to the topic and presents specific findings and implications for future research. This dissertation aims to explore the relationship between Neuroarchitecture and human behavior, with a focus on color and form in the built environment. The study investigates existing research and theories related to the topic and presents specific findings and implications for future research.
Ambiente ConstruĂdo Arquitetura Bem-Estar Cor Neuroarquitetura Perceção