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A iniciativa Allergic Rhinitis and Its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) teve início há mais de 20 anos e tem elaborado e disseminado orientações
baseadas em evidência, e desenvolvido projetos na área da rinite alérgica. Esta iniciativa está atualmente focada em proporcionar
orientações centradas no doente que contribuam para um percurso integrado entre os vários níveis de cuidados e que tirem partido
de soluções digitais, tendo sido recomendada a introdução na prática clínica de percursos assistenciais integrados. Neste artigo
descrevemos a adaptação para Portugal do documento ARIA Integrated Care Pathways. Após breve revisão sobre a epidemiologia e
o impacto da rinite alérgica em Portugal e das atividades realizadas em Portugal no âmbito da iniciativa ARIA, é descrito o conjunto
alargado de conhecimento utilizado para o desenvolvimento das recomendações para o tratamento farmacológico da rinite alérgica,
recomendações essas baseadas na metodologia GRADE, evidência do mundo real adquirida por tecnologia móvel (mHealth) e resultante de estudos de câmara de exposição alergénica. Em seguida, são resumidos os percursos assistenciais integrados para imunoterapia com alergénios produzidas em 2019. Considera-se a imunoterapia com alergénios um exemplo de medicina de precisão e em
que a utilização de tecnologias mHealth permitirá melhorar a estratificação para seleção dos doentes e monitorização da resposta.
Estas recomendações foram consideradas como ‘boas práticas’ dos cuidados integrados centrados no doente apoiados por sistemas
digitais da DG Santé (Direção Geral de Saúde e de Segurança Alimentar da União Europeia) e representam a estratégia de gestão da
mudança da fase 4 do ARIA.
The Allergic Rhinitis and Its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) initiative started more than 20 years ago and has developed and disseminated evidence-based guidelines and projects in the field of allergic rhinitis. This initiative is currently focused on providing patient-centred guidelines that contribute to an integrated care pathway between the various levels of care and take advantage of digital solutions, and the introduction of integrated care pathways in clinical practice has been recommended. In this article we describe the adaptation for Portugal of the ARIA Integrated Care Pathways document. After a brief review of the epidemiology and impact of allergic rhinitis in Portugal and the activities carried out in Portugal within the ARIA initiative, we describe the broad knowledge base used for the development of recommendations for the pharmacological treatment of allergic rhinitis, and these recommendations are based on the GRADE methodology, real world evidence acquired by mobile technology (mHealth) and resulting from allergenic exposure chamber studies. What follows is a summary of integrated care pathways for allergen immunotherapy produced in 2019. Allergen immunotherapy is considered an example of precision medicine where the use of mHealth technologies will improve stratification for patient selection and response monitoring. These recommendations were considered as best practices of integrated patient-centred care supported by digital systems from Directorate General for Health and Food Safety of the European Union (DG Santé) and represent the ARIA Phase 4 Change Management strategy.
The Allergic Rhinitis and Its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) initiative started more than 20 years ago and has developed and disseminated evidence-based guidelines and projects in the field of allergic rhinitis. This initiative is currently focused on providing patient-centred guidelines that contribute to an integrated care pathway between the various levels of care and take advantage of digital solutions, and the introduction of integrated care pathways in clinical practice has been recommended. In this article we describe the adaptation for Portugal of the ARIA Integrated Care Pathways document. After a brief review of the epidemiology and impact of allergic rhinitis in Portugal and the activities carried out in Portugal within the ARIA initiative, we describe the broad knowledge base used for the development of recommendations for the pharmacological treatment of allergic rhinitis, and these recommendations are based on the GRADE methodology, real world evidence acquired by mobile technology (mHealth) and resulting from allergenic exposure chamber studies. What follows is a summary of integrated care pathways for allergen immunotherapy produced in 2019. Allergen immunotherapy is considered an example of precision medicine where the use of mHealth technologies will improve stratification for patient selection and response monitoring. These recommendations were considered as best practices of integrated patient-centred care supported by digital systems from Directorate General for Health and Food Safety of the European Union (DG Santé) and represent the ARIA Phase 4 Change Management strategy.
Asma Guia de Prática Clínica Portugal Prestação Integrada de Cuidados de Saúde Rinite Alérgica