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Mobile Cloud Computing - Building High Availability Applications

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ENG_ICEUBI2019-CatumbelaPrata-CameaReady.pdf787.92 KBAdobe PDF Download



Mobile Computing seems to spread to all aspects of our life, from light entertainment to health or finance apps. Cloud services appear as the common solution to be used as backend of mobile applications. In complex applications the cloud can even be used as an additional computational resource. Mobile cloud computing applications raise new reliability and availability challenges that result namely from the device mobility and from the limited battery charge. In this work, fault tolerant mechanisms for connection problems and for low battery charge are proposed and studied. The execution time overhead of those mechanisms is evaluated and compared with the offline support existent in two common cloud platforms: Firebase and Azure.



Mobile computing Cloud computing BaaS Fault tolerance Availability


Paula Prata, Euclides Catumbela, Mobile Cloud Computing - Building High Availability Applications, ICEUBI 2019, International Congress on Engineering for Evolution, 27, 28, 29 November 2019. (In Portuguese).

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