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Na indústria da aviação comercial as organizações de manutenção de aeronaves,
motores e componentes desenvolvem a sua atividade com base num Sistema de Gestão,
o qual é caracterizado pela abordagem de processos. A necessidade de tornar estes
processos cada vez mais robustos e eficazes, exige a adoção de métodos de análise,
indicadores, para avaliar o desempenho dos processos e permitir a identificação de todos
os pontos de melhoria.
Neste contexto, a presente dissertação, desenvolvida em parceria com a
organização TAP – Manutenção e Engenharia (TAP-ME), estuda a eficácia dos
indicadores na atividade da área de Manutenção de Base na referida empresa.
Este trabalho assenta na aplicação de uma metodologia estatística descritiva que
aprofunda a análise dos indicadores de gestão da Manutenção de Base, utilizando os
dados disponibilizados pelas subáreas da TAP-ME.
A metodologia aplicada visa habilitar a entender a adequabilidade dos
indicadores usados para monitorizar o desempenho da atividade de Manutenção de
Base, tendo em vista validar ou promover a respetiva reavaliação de assegurar que se
alcançam os objetivos estabelecidos pela Organização para a sua operação.
In the commercial aviation industry, aircraft, engine and component maintenance organisations carry out their activities on the basis of a Management System, which is characterised by a process approach. The need to make these processes increasingly robust and effective requires the adoption of analysis methods and indicators to assess process performance and identify any points for improvement. In this context, this dissertation, developed in partnership with TAP - Maintenance and Engineering (TAP-ME) organisation, studies the effectiveness of indicators in the Base Maintenance area of that company. This work is based on the application of a descriptive statistical methodology that deepens the analysis of Base Maintenance management indicators, using the data provided by TAP-ME's sub-areas. The methodology applied aims to enable an understanding of the suitability of the indicators used to monitor the performance of the Base Maintenance activity, with a view to validating or promoting the respective reassessment to ensure that the objectives set by the Organisation for its operation are achieved.
In the commercial aviation industry, aircraft, engine and component maintenance organisations carry out their activities on the basis of a Management System, which is characterised by a process approach. The need to make these processes increasingly robust and effective requires the adoption of analysis methods and indicators to assess process performance and identify any points for improvement. In this context, this dissertation, developed in partnership with TAP - Maintenance and Engineering (TAP-ME) organisation, studies the effectiveness of indicators in the Base Maintenance area of that company. This work is based on the application of a descriptive statistical methodology that deepens the analysis of Base Maintenance management indicators, using the data provided by TAP-ME's sub-areas. The methodology applied aims to enable an understanding of the suitability of the indicators used to monitor the performance of the Base Maintenance activity, with a view to validating or promoting the respective reassessment to ensure that the objectives set by the Organisation for its operation are achieved.
Eficácia Indicadores Manutenção