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Asteroid Impacts on the Ocean and Its Short-term Consequences: a Portuguese Case Study

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Any location on Earth might be considered a subject to an asteroid impact because, as previous studies show, they are a proven global threat. the consequences of a collision could be catastrophic, even though such events are rare to occur in a person’s lifetime. Tsunami waves can constitute the greatest threat as the Earth’s surface is mostly water, making the probability of a water impact greater than a ground impact. This work expands the knowledge about asteroid impacts on the ocean and their short-term regional consequences. Three asteroids were assumed to impact the Earth: (1) the 2015 JJ asteroid with a 130 m diameter, (2) the 2020 FA5 asteroid with a 210 m diameter, and (3) the Apophis asteroid, a 370 m wide asteroid. We evaluated the consequences of all impacts, at a 45 degree angle, for a specific case study, where the chosen impact location was the midpoint between Portugal’s mainland, Azores, and Madeira Islands. The cratering process, overpressure, induced thermal radiation, and tsunami waves were assessed, along with the global effects. The overpressure mainly causes structural damage. The thermal radiation has too short a range to reach the studied localities. The tsunami is undoubtedly the most far-reaching and threatening effect of an asteroid impact in the ocean.



2015 JJ 2020 FA5 Apophis Impact effects Vulnerabilities Casualties


Renato Morais, Luís Santos, André Silva, Rui Melicio, "Asteroid Impacts on the Ocean and Its Short-term Consequences: a Portuguese Case Study", 2nd International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions Engineering (FAR 2022), Heilbronn, Germany, 19-23 june 2022

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