Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2022"
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- Antecedents of the Sharing Economy in a Pandemic Scenario: Prosocial Attitudes, Past Behaviour and Transformation ExpectationsPublication . Alves, H. M. B; Alves, Marta; Paço, ArmindaThe COVID-19 pandemic is expected to have a significant impact on most sharing economy activities, and at present, it is particularly challenging to achieve a consensual model to predict sharing economy behaviour. Based on empirical and theoretical premises established before the pandemic, we intend to explore the association between a set of psychosocial variables (i.e., cooperation, environmental awareness, past behaviour) and sharing economy behaviour, particularly the use of shared assets (i.e., cars and accommodation) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the present study analyses the mediating role of transformation expectations, as the decision to engage or not in sharing behaviour may be influenced by beliefs about the consequences of those actions from the user’s perspective. This study comprised a total of 596 participants. Data was collected through a self-administered questionnaire and was statistically analysed and interpreted using PLS 3.0. Structural Equation Modelling statistical software. Contrary to our predictions, the results show that cooperation negatively influenced the willingness to participate in sharing activities during the COVID-19 pandemic, that environmental awareness was not a significant predictor, and that past sharing behaviour has the strongest influence on the willingness to share during pandemic times. Finally, the mediating effect of transformation expectations was significant in both associations, i.e., pro-environmental consciousness and past sharing experiences, and the willingness to adopt sharing behaviour during COVID-19.
- The Impacts of the Entrepreneurial Conditions on Economic Growth: Evidence from OECD CountriesPublication . Gomes, Sofia; Ferreira, João José De Matos; Lopes, João; Farinha, LuísThis study aims to assess the impacts of entrepreneurial framework conditions on economic growth based on the level of economic development in transition-driven economies and innovation-driven economies. The data were organised into a panel (2000–2019) and obtained from the National Expert Survey (NES), the Global Monitor Entrepreneurship (GEM), and the World Bank. By applying the generalised method of moments (GMM) estimation, we found that R&D transfer has a negative impact on economic growth that is innovation-driven, but positively impacts transition-driven economies. The results further highlighted that regardless of the level of development of the country, business and professional infrastructure do not positively impact economic growth. However, taxes and bureaucracy and physical and service infrastructure were shown to positively impact only innovation-driven economies, as in transition-driven economies, they were shown to have negative impacts on economic growth. The present study contributes to a better understanding of the link between economic growth and the conditions for entrepreneurship in economies with different degrees of economic growth. This study can serve as a basis for policy makers to adjust or develop new policies to accelerate economic growth.
- Estudo Longitudinal sobre Eficácia Diferencial e Equidade Social no BrasilPublication . Ferrão, Maria EugéniaO estudo de eficácia diferencial e equidade social entre o 5º e 9º ano do ensino funda-mental segue orientações teórico-metodológicas de eficácia educacional. Modelos de coeficientes aleatórios são aplicados aos dados longitudinais da Prova Brasil 2011 em-parelhados com os da Prova Brasil 2015, envolvendo mais de 1.2 milhões de alunos. A proficiência aferida no 9ºano e conhecimento prévio aferido no 5ºano, na escala SAEB, foram padronizados para o propósito do artigo. Foram testadas ainda variáveis socio-demográficas do aluno, tais como sexo, etnia/raça autodeclarada, nível socioeconómi-co, situação face ao trabalho e se a mãe é ou não alfabetizada. Os resultados sugerem que a relação linear entre conhecimento prévio e proficiência no 9º ano apresenta va-riação ténue entre escolas, municípios ou entre UFs e o mesmo acontece com a relação entre nível socioeconómico e proficiência do 9º ano, apesar de alguns dos parâmetros aleatórios serem estatisticamente significativos. Os indicadores de equidade social e eficácia diferencial por conhecimento prévio variam pouco. Os resultados reforçam a relevância da investigação institucional, especialmente quanto aos fatores intra-es-colares, porque a razão entre a variância do nível Aluno e o somatório de variâncias de nível Escola-Município-UF é maior de 10 em Português e quase 8 em Matemática.
- Churn in services - A bibliometric reviewPublication . Ribeiro, Hugo; Barbosa, Belem; Moreira, António; Rodrigues, Ricardo GouveiaThe purpose of this article is to identify the most impactful research on customer churn and to map the conceptual and intellectual structure of its field of study. Data were collected from the WoS database, comprising 338 articles published between 1995 and 2020. Several bibliometric techniques were applied, including analysis of co-words, co-citation, bibliographic coupling, and co-authorship networks. R software and the Bibliometrix/Biblioshiny package were used to perform the analyses. The results identify the most active and influential authors, articles, and journals on the topic. More specifically, through co-citations and bibliographic coupling, it was possible to map the oldest articles (retrospective analysis) and the current research front (prospective analysis). The retrospective analysis, based on co-citations, revealed that the foundations of this research field are constructs such as quality of service, satisfaction, loyalty, and changing behaviors. The prospective analysis, performed through bibliographic coupling, revealed that current research is embedded in predictive analysis, clusters, data mining, and algorithms. The results provide robust guidance for further investigation in this field.
- The Key to Sustainable Economic Development: A Triple Bottom Line ApproachPublication . Nogueira, Elisabete; Gomes, Sofia; Lopes, JoãoConcerns about improving social, environmental, and economic living standards are the basis of the triple bottom line (TBL) link to economic development (ED). Aware of the importance of studying their relationship, this article analysed the influence of TBL on ED. A quantitative method ology was used. The sample comprised a panel of data from 2006 to 2019 for OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries. Five multiple linear regression models were estimated by the generalised method of moments. The results of this study revealed that the social dimension of TBL boosts ED, the environmental dimension of TBL slows down ED, and the economic dimension of TBL contains conflicting synergies in ED. The Human Development Index (HDI) should now include indicators of environmental wellbeing. Governments should adopt policies to improve social wellbeing to boost ED, work to coordinate the objectives of environmental protection and ED, and combat vulnerabilities arising from public debt. As one of the first studies to assess the influence of TBL on ED at the country level, the present findings contribute to the reflection about the influence of TBL on a country’s ED and strengthens the discussion around the influence of different dimensions of TBL.
- Environmental Risk Assessment and Management in Industry 4.0: A Review of Technologies and TrendsPublication . Lemos, Janaína; Gaspar, Pedro Dinis; Lima, Tânia M.In recent decades, concern with workers’ health has become a priority in several countries, but statistics still show that it is urgent to perform more actions to prevent accidents and illnesses related to work. Industry 4.0 is a new production paradigm that has brought significant advances in the relationship between man and machine, driving a series of advances in the production process and new challenges in occupational safety and health (OSH). This paper addresses occupational risks, diseases, opportunities, and challenges in Industry 4.0. It also covers Internet-of-Things-related technologies that, by the real-time measurement and analysis of occupational conditions, can be used to create smart solutions to contribute to reducing the number of workplace accidents and for the promotion of healthier and safer workplaces. Proposals involving smart personal protective equipment (smart PPE) and monitoring systems are analyzed, and aspects regarding the use of artificial intelligence and the data privacy concerns are also discussed.
- Arithmetic for closed ballsPublication . Beites, P. D.; Nicolás, A. P.; Vitoria, JoseInspired by circular complex interval arithmetic, an arithmetic for closed balls in Rn is pursued. In this sense, the properties of certain operations on closed balls in Rn, some of which related either to the Hadamard product of vectors or to the 2-fold vector cross product when n ∈ {3, 7}, are studied. In particular, known results for operations on closed balls in C, which can be identified with R2, are extended to closed balls in Rn.
- Revoluções CientíficasPublication . Castro, EduardoArtigo opinativo sobre o estado da arte das revoluções científicas. Centrado em A Estrutura das Revoluções Científicas e no material pós-Estrutura, de Thomas Kuhn, este artigo analisa conceitos fundamentais sobre as revoluções científicas. A análise não é exegética, mas sim crítica, e alicerça-se na literatura contemporânea. Discutem-se as linhas principais que se derivam do modelo kuhniano de desenvolvimento científico -incomensurabilidade, construtivismo e progresso científico. O artigo também introduz ao estado da arte das revoluções em matemática, detalhando para o efeito uma revolução matemática – as geometrias não-euclidianas. Na parte final do artigo dá-se uma visão geral de algumas adendas contemporâneas ao sistema kuhniano.
- A Arquitectónica em Kant: Uma leitura comentada do Prefácio à 1ª edição da Crítica da Razão PuraPublication . Amaral, António«A filosofia transcendental é a idéia de uma ciência para a qual a crítica da razão pura deverá esboçar arquitetonicamente o plano total, isto é, a partir de princípios, com plena garantia da perfeição e solidez de todas as partes que constituem esse edifício.» [KANT, KrV, Prefácio 2ª edição, B 27] É de crucial importância a compreensão deste excerto no projecto crítico da filosofia transcendental kantiana: ele constitui a chave-mestra para entender a configuração arquitectónica do racionalismo critico de Kant, tal como este o delineia no Prefácio à 1ª edição (1781) da Crítica da Razão Pura.
- Doutrina social da Igreja, socialismo democrático e democracia cristã: raízes históricas e transposições ideológicasPublication . Amaral, AntónioAo arrepio das desfigurações totalitárias do comunismo e das contrafacções predatórias do neoliberalismo, o que se designa de Doutrina Social da Igreja assenta num vasto património textual cujo teor reflexivo de matriz cristã e personalista procura instaurar o difícil e desejável equilíbrio entre social-democracia (centrada na liberdade de iniciativa privada), socialismo democrático (centrada no bem comum público) e sociedade civil (centrada na interacção e cooperação dos agentes sociais intermédios).