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Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina

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  • The female prostitute as «the Other»
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina
    The unconventional character of sex work often engendered images of female prostitutes as being anomalous persons. The professional activity then was believed to affect all aspects of life and personality of the sex worker. Inversely, a conviction has existed that only specific types of women, with certain physical and mental characteristics, will enter this trade. This notion of the female prostitute as The Other was particularly powerful in western thought at the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, and in the paper the ideas of that period about the “otherness” in its various layers will be explored. This period was also the zenith of imperialism, the domination of Other people and inherently the sexual encounter of occidental men with oriental and African women. The images of these “exotic” women and the practice of prostitution in a colonial context is an additional topic in this paper, to be related with the ideas in Europe about sex work.
  • Gendered missions: Women and men in missionary discourse and practice
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina
    Review of a book focusing women active in Christian religious missionary work in Africa, Asia and Oceania in the nineteenth and early twentieth century. This theme is discussed with a view to the changing gender ideologies of middle-class Europeans at the time, the major sponsors of the missions.
  • Parenthood and everyday mobilities in Portugal: a gender approach
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina; Las Heras, Soledad
    The spatial transition of individuals and their families between the different contexts of home, work/school, and leisure activities, as well as the time spent during this «interface», are attracting growing attention from sociologists. The main subject of the present study relates to the transportation of children to and from day-care, school or extracurricular activities, and the strategies mothers and fathers apply to managing this routine form of mobility. In an analysis of the various dimensions of this parental task, attention is paid to the central place children occupy in today’s families, strengthening parents’ protective instincts. The data presented come from a study of households in two zones in Portugal with diverse geographical and demographic characteristics. The quantitative and qualitative data indicate differences between men and women in types and patterns of mobility, and also in the access to and use of means of transport. The daily school run, in its broadest sense, can be taken as an activity pertaining to the domain of «caring» and to a certain extent this is reflected in its gendered character.
  • Projecto Romann: o papel dos homens na conciliação da vida familiar e profissional em pequenas e médias empresas
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina; Coelho, Vanusa; Loureiro, Carla; Almeida, Joana
    Relatório de um projecto europeu financiado pelo Fundo Social Europeu e coordenado pela Vigil-Tamen (Berlim), com a participação de equipas de Alemanha, Hungria, França e Portugal. A primeira parte deste relatório versa sobre considerações teóricas no que toca a questões de género e de família, bem como a situação específica de Portugal relativamente a políticas sociais e a promoção de igualdade de género. A segunda parte apresenta resultados e análises da investigação levada a cabo na Beira Interior sobre o papel de homens na família, e políticas e experiências de responsáveis e colaboradores masculinos de pequenas e médias empresas em prol da articulação da vida profissional e doméstica. Report on research in Portugal in the framework of the project RoMann (The role of men – articulation of professional and private lives in small and medium enterprises in Germany, France, Hungary and Portugal). The first part of this report is dedicated to theoretical considerations of gender and the family, and to specific Portuguese conditions in the field of social policies and the advancement of gender equality. The second part presents results of the research in Beira Interior about the role of men in the family, and the policies and experiences of executives and male employees in small and medium-sized businesses in the articulation of private and professional lives.
  • Technology, time allocation and gender in Portugal
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina
    Several studies have suggested that the development of technologies such as household appliances, ICT and means of transport have not necessarily reduced the time spent on household and caring work and that the role of these technologies as facilitators of a balance between work, family and private life is modest. In the study presented, the possible relationships were examined between technology use and time allocation in households, focusing the gender factor. The research was carried out in two different regions in Portugal and involved a questionnaire survey among 430 couples, various focus group sessions and in-depth interviews. Three of the main results will be discussed. The first addresses the diffuse character of the effects of home-centered technologies on the execution and duration of domestic chores and caring tasks. The second is the technology-induced higher permeability between the domestic, personal and professional domains, which may be salutary but also stress-provoking. The third point to be made is the limited change technologies brought about in the gendered allocation of domestic work. These results confirm the assumption that it is not technology which brings about social change but rather the mutual interaction between technology and social context. It may be concluded that gender roles and gender identity are major factors affecting the perception and use of time and technology. The artefact does not define the use, but the use defines the meaning of the artefact, and the gender of the user is here of great importance.
  • From «Pretty Woman» to «Pretty Women»
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina
    Preface to the book Pretty women by Dewi Nusantari, referring the cultural variety of the ideal of female beauty, and indicating how patriarchy is a major factor in inciting women to make sacrifices to correspond to the beauty norms of their culture.
  • Time and Technology: a gender aproach for the Portuguese context
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina; Simões, Maria João; Araújo, Emília; Augusto, Amélia; Sousa, Helena
    This paper addresses a project in progress, which envisages an account and understanding of the ways of employment of technology in the domestic space. According to the principal thesis adopted, gender is assumed as the structuring variable in the ways of appropriation and negotiation of spaces and times, and technology contains the distinctive orders of the masculine and feminine positions. In brief, an attempt is made to understand how perceptions and representations of technology and time are gendered, and create distinct and differentiated ways of use of space and time. In the paper, interim results are presented of the research, in particular of the survey carried out in the beginning of 2010 among couples in two regions of Portugal with different levels of development. This is preceded by an overview of some major studies about the relationship between time and technology, focusing on household equipment, its assumed and real time-saving effects for women and its repercussions on social organization within the household.
  • Gender and the sexes in the Indonesian Archipelago
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina
    Review of book discussing gender in various regions of the Southeast Asian culture area
  • Intergenerational support: the role of gender and social networks
    Publication . Craveiro, Daniela; Delerue Matos, Alice; Martinez-Pecino, Roberto; Silva, Sara Gabriela; Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina
    Older people are at the centre of a complex exchange network within the family, giving and receiving many types of practical help and support. Everyday support provided by the family is an essential contribution to the sustainability of longterm care systems in all European countries. It is predicted that in the years to come we will witness a significant increase in the number and the average age of informal helpers. A better understanding of the characteristics of these individuals becomes crucial, including the conditions under which they provide support. Care research has pointed systematically to the importance of the association between the provision of care to older adults and social variables such as kinship, gender, provision of formal support or even cultural norms. Also, the capacity of providing help and care can be constrained and facilitated by caregivers’ social resources including those within their personal network.
  • Gender and the sexes in the Indonesian Archipelago
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina
    Review of collection of studies regarding gender in several regions of Southeast Asia. The articles in this volume, first presented as papers at a conference of the Association for South-East Asian Studies in the United Kingdom, add to the literature on gender in Southeast Asia. Although that literature may seem extensive by now, this publication is certainly not repetitive or redundant. On the contrary, besides presenting awealth of data, it attests to how useful and refreshing an approach which focuses on gender and gender relations can be, even when examining seemingly well-known facts.