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- Modelling a Loop Heat Pipe as Heat Switch for Transient Application in Space SystemsPublication . Castanheira, João Pedro Conceição; Dias, Nicole G.; Melício, Rui; Gordo, Paulo; Silva, André; Pereira, Roger MichaelHeat switches are devices for controlling heat flow in various applications, such as electronic devices, cryogenic cooling systems, spacecraft, and rockets. These devices require non-linear transient thermal simulations, in which there is a lack of information. In this study, we introduce an innovative 1D thermo-hydraulic lumped parameter model to simulate loop heat pipes as heat switches by regulating the temperature difference between the evaporator and the compensation chamber. The developed thermo-hydraulic model uses the continuity, energy, and momentum equations to represent the behaviour of loop heat pipes as heat switches. The model also highlights the importance of some thermal conductance parameters and correction coefficients for accurately simulating the different operational states of a loop heat pipe. The simulations are conducted using the proposed 1D model, solved through the application of the Mathcad block function. The numerical model presented is successfully validated by comparing the temperatures of the evaporator and condenser inlet nodes with those of a referenced loop heat pipe from the literature. In conclusion, in this research, the mathematical modelling of loop heat pipes as heat switches is presented. This is achieved by incorporating correction coefficients with Boolean logic that results in non-linear transient simulations. The presented 1D thermo-hydraulic lumped parameter model serves as a valuable tool for thermal system design, particularly for systems with non-linear operational modes like sorption compressors. The graphical and nodal representation of this proposed 1D thermo-hydraulic model further enhances its utility in understanding and optimising loop heat pipes as heat switches across various thermal management scenarios.
- Housekeeping System for Suborbital Vehicles: VIRIATO Mock-Up Vehicle Integration and TestingPublication . Rodrigues, Geraldo; Arribas, Beltran; Melício, Rui; Gordo, Paulo; Valério, Duarte; Casaleiro, J.; Silva, AndréThe work presented in this paper regards the improvement of a housekeeping system for data acquisition of a suborbital vehicle (VIRIATO rocket or launcher). The specifications regarding the vehicle are presented and hardware is chosen accordingly, considering commercial off-the-shelf components. Mechanical and thermal simulations are performed regarding the designed system and a physical prototype is manufactured, assembled and programmed. Functional and field test results resorting to unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as the system’s integration within VIRIATO project’s mock-up vehicle, are presented. These tests demonstrate the viability of this system as an independent data acquisition system, and simulation results show that commercial off-the-shelf components have the capability of surviving expected launch environments.
- Satellite Star Tracker Breadboard with Space Debris Detection Capability for LEOPublication . Filho, Joel; Gordo, Paulo; Peixinho, Nuno; Gafeira, R.; Melício, Rui; Silva, A. R. R.This paper evaluates the possibility of having a star tracker device running space debris algorithms. A simple star tracker breadboard was developed to evaluate the possibility of having a device running both stellar identification and space debris algorithms. The breadboard was built with commercial off-the-shelf components, representing the current star tracker resolution and field of view. A star tracker device and space debris algorithms were implemented and tested, respectively: Tetra and ASTRiDE. The device concept was tested by taking pictures of the night sky with satellite streaks. Seeking to overcome such limitations, a dual-purpose star tracker with stars detection and optical debris detection capability is proposed. Star trackers are usually used in satellites for attitude determination and therefore have a vast potential to be a major tool for space debris detection. The rapid increase of space debris poses a risk to space activities, so it is vital to detect it. Ground-based radar and optical telescope techniques used for debris detection are limited by a size threshold, detecting only a tiny amount of the total, reason why evaluating the possibility of detecting them in space is of major importance.