Research Project
Comparison of DBD plasma actuators flow control authority in different modes of actuation
Publication . Abdollahzadehsangroudi, M.; Páscoa, J.C.; Oliveira, P.J.
The principal mechanisms by which DBD plasma actuators influence flow characteristics, and are thus able to control that flow, depend strongly on their modes of actuation. Here two different modes based on steady and unsteady actuation are compared and investigated. A simple sinusoidal voltage distribution and a duty cycled sinusoidal voltage were considered for these purposes. Leading edge separation around a stalled NACA 0012 airfoil at Re=3 ×10^16 is considered as test case. A simplified phenomenological model which uses the correct scale of the plasma body force is considered for the modeling of the plasma actuator effects. The steady actuation results show that flow control can be effectively achieved by this mode of operation with continuous injection of momentum in the boundary layer. Unsteady actuation with an imposed frequency equal to the calculated natural frequencies of the flow gives rise to a resonance actuation effect.
Implementation of the classical plasma–fluid model for simulation of dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) actuators in OpenFOAM
Publication . Abdollahzadeh, M.; Páscoa, J.C.; Oliveira, P.J.
To simulate the coupled plasma and fluid flow physics of dielectric-barrier discharge, a plasma–fluid
model is utilized in conjunction with a compressible flow solver. The flow solver is responsible for determining the bulk flow kinetics of dominant neutral background species including mole fractions, gas
temperature, pressure and velocity. The plasma solver determines the kinetics and energetics of the
plasma species and accounts for finite rate chemistry. In order to achieve maximum reliability and best
performance, we have utilized state-of-the-art numerical and theoretical approaches for the simulation
of DBD plasma actuators. In this respect, to obtain a stable and accurate solution method, we tested
and compared different existing numerical procedures, including operator-splitting algorithm, super-timestepping, and solution of the Poisson and transport equations in a semi-implicit manner. The implementation of the model is conducted in OpenFOAM. Four numerical test cases are considered in order to
validate the solvers and to investigate the drawbacks/benefits of the solution approaches. The test problems include single DBD actuator driven by positive, negative and sinusoidal voltage waveforms, similar to the ones that could be found in literature. The accuracy of the results strongly depends to the
choice of time step, grid size and discretization scheme. The results indicate that the super-time-stepping
treatment improves the computational efficiency in comparison to explicit schemes. However, the semiimplicit treatment of the Poisson and transport equations showed better performance compared to the
other tested approaches.
Organizational Units
Funding agency
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Funding programme
9471 - RIDTI
Funding Award Number