Research Project
Hypothetical Apophis deep ocean impact - Energy analysis
Publication . Morais, Renato; Santos, Luís; Silva, André; Melício, Rui
This paper models a hypothetical Apophis asteroid impact on an chosen deep ocean point on the globe. To assess the potential vulnerabilities of an exposed coast population, the impact effects were assessed as a function of the distance to the asteroid's impact point as well as altitude for the tsunami case. All the tools and models used are valid and can be implemented for any other point on the Earth's surface. The impact modelling includes the analysis of cratering formation, generated earthquake, overpressure, ejected material, generated thermal radiation and tsunami, as well as the global geophysical effects of the impact. The vulnerability models entail best, expected, and worst case scenarios, which allows a reasonable range of results. As the impact occurs in the ocean, and if its a great distance away from populated areas, the population is safeguarded from most of the impact effects. The tsunami is undoubtedly the most far-reaching and threatening impact effect from an asteroid impact on the ocean.
Short-Term Consequences of Asteroid Impacts into the Ocean: A Portuguese Case Study
Publication . Morais, Renato; Santos, Luís; Silva, A. R. R.; Melício, Rui
Asteroid impacts are a proven global threat, meaning that any location on Earth might be a subject to their consequences. Such collisions are not likely in any person’s lifetime, but their aftermath could be catastrophic. As Earth’s surface is mostly water, a water impact is more probable than a ground impact, and tsunami waves could pose a significant threat. This study expands the knowledge about asteroid impacts in the ocean and their regional environmental consequences. Three asteroids were assumed to impact the Earth: (1) the Apophis asteroid, a 370 m wide asteroid, (2) a 204 m in diameter asteroid representative of the average impactor on the near-Earth objects, and (3) a 5 km in diameter asteroid. We evaluated the consequences of all impacts for a specific case study, where the chosen impact location was the midpoint between Portugal’s mainland, Azores, and Madeira Islands. The cratering process, generated seismic shaking, overpressure, ejected material, induced thermal radiation, and tsunami waves were assessed, along with the global effects. The overpressure mainly causes structural damage. The thermal radiation can be devastating but has a short reach. The tsunami is undoubtedly the most far-reaching and threatening effect of an asteroid impact in the ocean.
Dynamics of a gyrostat satellite with the vector of gyrostatic moment tangent to the orbital plane
Publication . Morais, Renato; Santos, Luis; Silva, André; Melício, Rui
In this paper, a gyrostat satellite in a circular orbit with its gyrostatic moment tangent to the orbital plane and collinear with the orbital speed is studied regarding its equilibria, bifurcation of equilibria, and asymptotic stability conditions. In the general case, where any gyrostat angular momentum is aligned with any of the orbital coordinate frames, interesting results arose regarding its equilibria bifurcation regarding conditions near to the ones presented in this paper, namely equilibria regions outside their main regions near to the orbital plane tangent. For equilibria and bifurcation of equilibria, a symbolic-numerical method is used to obtain the polynomial equations in function of non-dimensional parameters whose roots are equivalent to the number of equilibria positions. For the asymptotic stability, the results are tested using the Lyapunov stability theory scheme.
Organizational Units
Funding agency
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Funding programme
6817 - DCRRNI ID
Funding Award Number