This paper models a hypothetical Apophis asteroid impact on an chosen deep ocean point on the globe. To assess the potential vulnerabilities of an exposed coast population, the impact effects were assessed as a function of the distance to the asteroid's impact point as well as altitude for the tsunami case. All the tools and models used are valid and can be implemented for any other point on the Earth's surface. The impact modelling includes the analysis of cratering formation, generated earthquake, overpressure, ejected material, generated thermal radiation and tsunami, as well as the global geophysical effects of the impact. The vulnerability models entail best, expected, and worst case scenarios, which allows a reasonable range of results. As the impact occurs in the ocean, and if its a great distance away from populated areas, the population is safeguarded from most of the impact effects. The tsunami is undoubtedly the most far-reaching and threatening impact effect from an asteroid impact on the ocean.
NEO Apophis Asteroid impact Short-term consequences Impact effects Vulnerabilities Asteroids Radiation effects Tsunamis Deep ocean Energy analysis
Elsevier Ltd