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Introdução: Atualmente, segundo dados da DGS os problemas de saúde, nomeadamente as doenças crónicas assumem um papel marcante e crescente, relacionado com os estilos comportamentais que os sujeitos têm vindo a adotar e que se relacionam com fatores de risco associados a determinada doença. Destas patologias a Hipertensão arterial, apresenta uma prevalência que afeta 36% dos portugueses com idades entre os 25 e os 74 anos de idade. Assim, é fundamental promover a saúde e prevenir a doença, o que implica a alteração de hábitos de vida, assim como o controlo e toma correta da terapêutica prescrita. Também os fatores culturais, sociais e ambientais devem ser alvo de preocupação, uma vez que influenciam, por um lado a adesão à medicação e, por outro, influenciam e são influenciados pelos níveis de Literacia em Saúde que cada pessoa apresenta. Assim, são objetivos centrais desta pesquisa avaliar os níveis de adesão ao tratamento e os níveis de literacia em saúde numa amostra de sujeitos com Hipertensão Arterial.
Método: A amostra é constituída por 76 indivíduos com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 65 anos, cujo diagnóstico é hipertensão arterial e que são acompanhados numa das consultas de ambulatório de hipertensão arterial, no Centro Hospitalar da Cova da Beira. O estudo é de natureza quantitativa e descritivo-correlacional e tem um caráter transversal. Os instrumentos utilizados foram o questionário sociodemográfico, a Medida de Adesão aos Tratamentos (MAT) e o Inquérito de Literacia em Saúde (ILS-P).
Resultados: Os principais resultados obtidos referem que os níveis de adesão ao tratamento são elevados, obtendo-se uma média de 5.5 numa escala de 6; já a literacia em saúde apresenta um índice inadequado/problemático, cujas percentagens rondam os 23.7% no que concerne aos níveis inadequados e 64.5% nos níveis problemáticos na amostra inquirida. Constata-se ainda que sujeitos mais novos e com habilitações académias mais avançadas, têm maior facilidade em compreender factos e situações relacionadas com a questão da saúde num nível geral, sendo que o mesmo também se verifica nas dimensões de prevenção da doença e promoção da saúde, à exceção dos cuidados de saúde que apenas revela níveis significativos com a idade, não apresentando resultados significativos com os níveis de escolaridade. A variável género somente mostra a sua significância na dimensão da promoção da saúde, evidenciando que é o sexo masculino que mais se mobiliza nesse sentido. De salientar que somente a idade e as habilitações literárias são significativas nas medidas de adesão ao tratamento, denotando, assim, uma relação positiva, sendo, os mais novos e com maiores capacidades escolares, que aderem melhor às terapêuticas. A satisfação com a informação não apresenta diferenças estatisticamente significativas para qualquer uma das variáveis em estudo. Conclusão/Discussão: A baixa consciencialização sobre os cuidados de saúde, as formas de prevenção da doença e de promoção da saúde, constituem um fator relevante no desenvolvimento de uma dada doença, bem como o facto do sujeito aderir ou não a um dado tratamento. Este conhecimento precário sobre a problemática da saúde deve, desta forma, ser entendido como um aspeto fulcral de atenção e intervenção por parte dos profissionais de saúde, tornando-se o mote principal para um aumento nos níveis de literacia na sociedade e na adesão ao tratamento.
Nowadays, according to DGS data compared on health problems, in particular crhonic diseases, have assumed a marked and a growing role. This is in line with the behavioral Styles that individuals are increasingly adopting, wich highlight the risk factos associated with a given pathology. Of these conditions it has prevalence affects 36% portuguese´s between ages 25 to 74 years (DGS,2018). Thus it is essential to promotion health and prevent the disease, by changing lifestyle habits, urging the subject to control and take corret prescribed therapy. Cultural, social and environmental factos should also be a concern, since they influence medication adherence on the one hand and, influence and are influenced by the levels of Health Literacy that each person presents. Thus, the main objectives of this research are to evaluate the levels of adherence to tratment and the levels of health literacy in a sample of individuals with high blood pressure. The sample consists of 76 individuals aged between 18 and 65 years old, whose diagnosis is high blood pressure and wich are monitored in one of the outpatient consultations of arterial hypertension, in the Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira. The study is quantitative and descriptive-correlational nature and has a cross-sectional charater. The instruments used to evaluate/ test the objectives we have proposed are the sociodemographic questionnaire, the Treatment Adherence Measure (MAT) and the Health Literacy Survery (ILS-P). The main results obtained indicate that the levels of adherence to treatment are high, obtaining na average of 5.5 on a scale of 6, but health literacy adopts na inadequate/ problematic, with average percenatges of 23.7% wich do not concern abaout inadequate levels and 64.5% on problema levels índex in the sample surveyed. We also noted that variables such as age, gender and educational attainment affect the way the individuals look at therapy, as well as their knowledge of the pathology they present. It was conluded, in particular, that younger subjects with more advanced qualifications, are easier to understand facts and situations related to health problems at a general level, and are also verified in evaluations of disease use and health promotion, with exception of health care that only denote the levels that each individual presents. The gender variable only shows its significance in health promotion, showing wich male iss the most mobilized in this regard. It is noteworthy that only age and educational qualifications, are significant in measures of adherence to treatmnet, thus, we are denoting a positive relationship, however, only youngest have higher knowledge of the diasease. This fact can be explained by the significance levels it presents in relation to health knowledge and, consequently, about a pathology. Satisfaction with the information do not presente any diferences for any of the variables under study. Low awareness about health care, disease prevention and health promotion are importante factos in the development of a given disease, as well as wether or not the subject adheres to a given treatment. This precarious knowledge about health issues should therefore be understood as a key aspect of attention and intervention by health professionals, becoming.
Nowadays, according to DGS data compared on health problems, in particular crhonic diseases, have assumed a marked and a growing role. This is in line with the behavioral Styles that individuals are increasingly adopting, wich highlight the risk factos associated with a given pathology. Of these conditions it has prevalence affects 36% portuguese´s between ages 25 to 74 years (DGS,2018). Thus it is essential to promotion health and prevent the disease, by changing lifestyle habits, urging the subject to control and take corret prescribed therapy. Cultural, social and environmental factos should also be a concern, since they influence medication adherence on the one hand and, influence and are influenced by the levels of Health Literacy that each person presents. Thus, the main objectives of this research are to evaluate the levels of adherence to tratment and the levels of health literacy in a sample of individuals with high blood pressure. The sample consists of 76 individuals aged between 18 and 65 years old, whose diagnosis is high blood pressure and wich are monitored in one of the outpatient consultations of arterial hypertension, in the Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira. The study is quantitative and descriptive-correlational nature and has a cross-sectional charater. The instruments used to evaluate/ test the objectives we have proposed are the sociodemographic questionnaire, the Treatment Adherence Measure (MAT) and the Health Literacy Survery (ILS-P). The main results obtained indicate that the levels of adherence to treatment are high, obtaining na average of 5.5 on a scale of 6, but health literacy adopts na inadequate/ problematic, with average percenatges of 23.7% wich do not concern abaout inadequate levels and 64.5% on problema levels índex in the sample surveyed. We also noted that variables such as age, gender and educational attainment affect the way the individuals look at therapy, as well as their knowledge of the pathology they present. It was conluded, in particular, that younger subjects with more advanced qualifications, are easier to understand facts and situations related to health problems at a general level, and are also verified in evaluations of disease use and health promotion, with exception of health care that only denote the levels that each individual presents. The gender variable only shows its significance in health promotion, showing wich male iss the most mobilized in this regard. It is noteworthy that only age and educational qualifications, are significant in measures of adherence to treatmnet, thus, we are denoting a positive relationship, however, only youngest have higher knowledge of the diasease. This fact can be explained by the significance levels it presents in relation to health knowledge and, consequently, about a pathology. Satisfaction with the information do not presente any diferences for any of the variables under study. Low awareness about health care, disease prevention and health promotion are importante factos in the development of a given disease, as well as wether or not the subject adheres to a given treatment. This precarious knowledge about health issues should therefore be understood as a key aspect of attention and intervention by health professionals, becoming.
Adesão Ao Tratamento Doenças Crónicas Hipertensão Arterial Literacia Em Saúde