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Na presente dissertação, pretende-se abordar a importância da comunicação política
para a Diplomacia Pública do Serviço Europeu de Ação Externa da União Europeia.
Com o processo de globalização e a afirmação de um mundo cada vez mais multicultural,
disciplinas como a Diplomacia obtiveram novas ramificações, novos teóricos e novas
técnicas, mutando a Diplomacia na sua forma etimológica e obrigando os seus
tradicionais atores a moldarem-se para acompanhar a nova realidade científica. Nesta
linha de pensamento, a importância da comunicação nas organizações e na Diplomacia
Pública muda também devido ao aparecimento de atores extra-estatais, bem como de
uma opinião pública com um peso cada vez maior no processo de tomada de decisões.
A Covid-19 mudou o mundo como o conhecíamos e originou a existência de novos
modelos de funcionamento das organizações. Posto isto, através da utilização dos
métodos de análise qualitativa e análise discursiva, pretende-se investigar a comunicação
política do Serviço Europeu de Ação Externa no período anterior e durante a pandemia.
Após a apresentação da fundamentação teórica, análise e tratamento de dados, o estudo
apresenta os novos modelos de comunicação organizacional internacional, sendo o foco
na comunicação com o público (os cidadãos europeus).
In this dissertation, we intend to explain the importance of political communication for the Public Diplomacy of the European Service of External Action of the European Union. With globalization process and the affirmation of a multicultural world, disciplines such as Diplomacy have obtained new ramifications, new theoreticians, and new techniques, changing Diplomacy in its etymological form, and forcing its traditional actors to mold themselves to follow the advances of this new scientific reality. In this line of thought, the importance of communication in organizations and in Public Diplomacy also changes due to the appearance of extra-state actors as well as public opinion with increasing weight in decision-making. Covid-19 changed the world as we knew it and launched paradigms in the way organizations perform their functions. Therefore, using qualitative analysis and discourse analysis methods, we intend to investigate the political communication of the European Service of External Action in the past period and during the pandemic. After presenting the theoretical framework, data collection, processing, and analysis, the study presents the new models for international organizational communication, focusing the communication with the public ( the European citizens).
In this dissertation, we intend to explain the importance of political communication for the Public Diplomacy of the European Service of External Action of the European Union. With globalization process and the affirmation of a multicultural world, disciplines such as Diplomacy have obtained new ramifications, new theoreticians, and new techniques, changing Diplomacy in its etymological form, and forcing its traditional actors to mold themselves to follow the advances of this new scientific reality. In this line of thought, the importance of communication in organizations and in Public Diplomacy also changes due to the appearance of extra-state actors as well as public opinion with increasing weight in decision-making. Covid-19 changed the world as we knew it and launched paradigms in the way organizations perform their functions. Therefore, using qualitative analysis and discourse analysis methods, we intend to investigate the political communication of the European Service of External Action in the past period and during the pandemic. After presenting the theoretical framework, data collection, processing, and analysis, the study presents the new models for international organizational communication, focusing the communication with the public ( the European citizens).
Análise Discursiva Comunicação Covid-19 Diplomacia Pública Seae