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A Psiquiatria Forense, enquanto ramo específico da Psiquiatria, é a ciência médica que aborda as doenças mentais e a sua relação com as normas legais. Neste âmbito, a Medicina e a Justiça convergem na abordagem aos indivíduos que, sob o alegado pressuposto de agirem por consequência de algum transtorno psiquiátrico, têm uma conduta lesiva ao infringirem as leis da sociedade.
O que se pretende com este trabalho de investigação, de índole retrospectiva, é traçar o perfil do doente inimputável da Unidade Local de Saúde da Guarda, E.P.E. entre setembro de 2010 e setembro de 2015, e estabelecer uma comparação com as características correspondentes da população imputável, com recurso ao dados obtidos nos relatórios de exame às faculdades mentais dos examinados. Desta forma, será possível estudar as características dos indivíduos considerados inimputáveis neste período, nomeadamente no que diz respeito aos dados específicos de natureza pessoal, familiar, antecedentes psiquiátricos, formulações diagnósticas, figuras jurídicas aplicadas, entre outros. A análise estatística foi realizada com recurso à ferramenta Microsoft Excel 2010?.
O objectivo principal deste estudo é, portanto, dotar o Departamento de Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental da Unidade Local de Saúde da Guarda, EPE de um instrumento analítico que caracterize a população inimputável respectiva e, desta forma, possa contribuir positivamente para a contextualização e realização das futuras perícias às faculdades mentais dos indivíduos envolvidos em processos judiciais
Forensic Psychiatry, as a specific branch of Psychiatry, is the medical science that approaches mental illness and its relation with law enforcement. In this regard, Medicine and Justice converge in the contact with individuals that, due to the alleged assumption of acting under the effects of a psychiatric disease, have a disturbing behaviour and infringe the laws of Society. The goal of this research project, which has a retrospective nature, is to delineate the profile of the insane patient of the Local Health Unit of Guarda, Portugal, between September of 2010 and September of 2015 and to establish a comparison with the corresponding characteristics of the imputable patients. In order to accomplish this goal, the reports on mental faculties’ examinations of said individuals have been consulted. With this methodology, we were able to study the characteristics of selected individuals who have committed some sort of criminal offence but were not subject to prosecution, namely regarding specific personal and family data, psychiatric background, diagnostic formulations, applied legal concepts, among others. Statistical analysis was performed using the Microsoft Excel 2010? software. The main goal of the study is, therefore, to provide the Psychiatry and Mental Health Department of the Local Health Unit of Guarda with an analytical instrument that characterizes the respective insane population and may, essentially, contribute positively to the contextualization and accomplishment of future assessments on mental faculties of the individuals who are involved in judicial proceedings.
Forensic Psychiatry, as a specific branch of Psychiatry, is the medical science that approaches mental illness and its relation with law enforcement. In this regard, Medicine and Justice converge in the contact with individuals that, due to the alleged assumption of acting under the effects of a psychiatric disease, have a disturbing behaviour and infringe the laws of Society. The goal of this research project, which has a retrospective nature, is to delineate the profile of the insane patient of the Local Health Unit of Guarda, Portugal, between September of 2010 and September of 2015 and to establish a comparison with the corresponding characteristics of the imputable patients. In order to accomplish this goal, the reports on mental faculties’ examinations of said individuals have been consulted. With this methodology, we were able to study the characteristics of selected individuals who have committed some sort of criminal offence but were not subject to prosecution, namely regarding specific personal and family data, psychiatric background, diagnostic formulations, applied legal concepts, among others. Statistical analysis was performed using the Microsoft Excel 2010? software. The main goal of the study is, therefore, to provide the Psychiatry and Mental Health Department of the Local Health Unit of Guarda with an analytical instrument that characterizes the respective insane population and may, essentially, contribute positively to the contextualization and accomplishment of future assessments on mental faculties of the individuals who are involved in judicial proceedings.
Forense Inimputabilidade. Justiça Perfil Psiquiatria