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Devido ao aumento de produção de guitarras de madeira e, consequentemente, à elevada
desflorestação causada nas ultimas décadas, tornou-se essencial o estudo da produção de
guitarras constituídas por materiais alternativos e que possam fornecer a mesma experiência
sonora. Para isso é imprescindível dotar esta indústria de ferramentas que permitam fazer uma
avaliação qualitativa do som que as guitarras conseguem reproduzir. Para que esta análise seja
bem sucedida é necessário primeiro referir que cada instrumento musical, e cada guitarra
propriamente, acarreta a sua própria e distinta qualidade sonora, o que torna difícil esta
análise. Por outro lado, é possível efetuar uma análise quantitativa da ressonância de cada
guitarra e tentar assim perceber, do ponto de vista cientifico, quais os aspetos a melhorar por
forma a aproximar a ressonância à de uma guitarra constituída por madeira. Posto isto, esta
dissertação comporta a execução de uma bancada de testes que permita, com alguma
facilidade, a execução de testes para obtenção da resposta de caixas das guitarras e, por via
de uma comparação, obter uma avaliação comparativa da qualidade da guitarra sujeita aos
testes. Este tipo de bancada está desenhada para que uma empresa do sector da construção de
guitarras e, mais precisamente, de guitarras com materiais alternativos, possa obter
rapidamente uma avaliação preliminar da resposta em frequência de uma guitarra protótipo e,
num ciclo de testes, prosseguir para a sua alteração até que seja obtida a resposta pretendida.
Due to the increase of wooden guitars production and consequently the high caused deforestation in recent decades, it has become essential to study the production of guitars made by alternative materials that could provide the same sound experience. It is essential to provide the industry with tools that make a qualitative assessment of the sound that guitars can reproduce. For this analysis to be successful, it must first be noted that each musical instrument and each guitar itself, carries its own distinct sound quality, which makes the analysis difficult. On the other hand, you can perform a quantitative analysis of the resonance of each guitar and try to realize, in the scientific point of view, what aspects to improve in order to approximate the resonance to a guitar made by wood. That said, this work involves the implementation of a test bench to allow, with some ease, running tests to obtain the guitars bodies responses and, by way of a comparison, get a benchmarking to the guitar subject to tests. This type of test bench is designed for a company dedicated to the construction of guitars and, more precisely, guitars made with alternative materials, can quickly get a preliminary response evaluation in frequency of a prototype guitar and, with a test cycle, proceeding to his change until the desired response is achieved.
Due to the increase of wooden guitars production and consequently the high caused deforestation in recent decades, it has become essential to study the production of guitars made by alternative materials that could provide the same sound experience. It is essential to provide the industry with tools that make a qualitative assessment of the sound that guitars can reproduce. For this analysis to be successful, it must first be noted that each musical instrument and each guitar itself, carries its own distinct sound quality, which makes the analysis difficult. On the other hand, you can perform a quantitative analysis of the resonance of each guitar and try to realize, in the scientific point of view, what aspects to improve in order to approximate the resonance to a guitar made by wood. That said, this work involves the implementation of a test bench to allow, with some ease, running tests to obtain the guitars bodies responses and, by way of a comparison, get a benchmarking to the guitar subject to tests. This type of test bench is designed for a company dedicated to the construction of guitars and, more precisely, guitars made with alternative materials, can quickly get a preliminary response evaluation in frequency of a prototype guitar and, with a test cycle, proceeding to his change until the desired response is achieved.
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