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Ao longo dos anos a relação entre o futebol e os media tem vindo a modificar e a intensificar-se. Por um lado, a profissionalização das suas organizações e por outro, o crescimento dos media e o seu impacto na sociedade.
Os media transmitem mensagens que podem influenciar normas, condutas e valores sociais, transformando a imagem de muitos jogadores de futebol profissional ao tornarem-nos famosos. As suas vidas dentro e fora de campo mostraram-se apetecíveis aos olhos dos media e dos seus consumidores, podendo com isso sofrer consequências no seu desempenho desportivo.
Numa relação que se pretende que seja cada vez mais disciplinada e menos perturbadora, este estudo tem como objetivo primeiro avaliar a relação de influência que os media exercem sobre os jogadores de futebol profissional, nomeadamente no que respeita ao desempenho desportivo.
Para o efeito desenvolveram-se três estudos nos quais procurámos: a) primeiramente realizar uma revisão da literatura do tipo narrativa, no sentido de contribuir para uma melhor compreensão da relação de convivência complexa e mutuamente vantajosa entre o futebol e os media, cuja evolução tem vindo a acontecer ao longo de várias décadas; b) analisar como a influência dos media é percebida pelos jogadores profissionais de futebol, principalmente no que diz respeito ao seu desempenho desportivo; c) por último investigar a influência dos media no futebol profissional, considerando a perceção dos treinadores e dos assessores de comunicação dos clubes.
Tendo por base uma amostra de 37 jogadores profissionais de futebol, 7 treinadores e 5 assessores de comunicação foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas para avaliar a relação atual entre estes e os media. Os resultados mostram a existência de um número reduzido de estudos que interliguem na academia, a temática da comunicação ao futebol profissional. No primeiro estudo denotou-se alguma dificuldade em definir um modelo comunicacional específico ao desporto particularmente, no que diz respeito à sua hipotética relação causa/efeito (emissão de mensagem/efeito sobre o recetor). O segundo estudo demonstrou, a existência de uma relação espontânea e de proximidade entre os media e os jogadores profissionais de futebol bem como, uma influência sentida por estes como relevante e com impacto no seu desempenho desportivo. No terceiro e último estudo, à semelhança do anterior, verificou-se que os entrevistados consideram os media um fator relevante de influência sobre o futebol profissional, com potencial de provocar nas equipas, nomeadamente, estados de falta de confiança, coesão e tensão.
Face ao exposto, sugere-se a importância de desenvolver habilidades psicológicas como estratégia para lidar com essa tensão, bem como, a realização de formação interna continua aos jogadores e treinadores de futebol profissional, para obtenção de uma melhor eficácia da comunicação dos clubes.
Over the years the relationship between football and the media has been changing and intensifying. On the one hand, the professionalization of their organizations and, on the other, the growth of the media and its impact on society. The media transmit messages that can influence norms, behavior and social values, transforming the image of many professional football players by making them famous. Their lives on and off the field proved to be attractive in the eyes of the media and their consumers, which could have consequences for their sporting performance. In a relationship that is intended to be increasingly disciplined and less disruptive, this study aims to first evaluate the relationship of influence that the media exert on professional football players, namely with regard to their sporting performance. For this purpose, three studies were carried out in which we sought to: a) firstly carry out a literature review of the narrative type, in order to contribute to a better understanding of the complex and mutually beneficial relationship between football and the media, whose evolution has been taking place over several decades; b) analyze how the influence of the media is perceived by professional football players, especially with regard to their sporting performance; c) finally, to investigate the influence of the media on professional football, considering the perception of coaches and team communication advisors. Based on a sample of 37 professional soccer players, 7 coaches and 5 communication advisors, semi-structured interviews were carried out to assess the current relationship between them and the media. The results show the existence of a small number of studies that link the issue of communication to professional football in the academy. In the first study, some difficulty was noted in defining a specific communication model for sport, particularly with regard to its hypothetical cause/effect relationship (message/effect emission on the receiver). The second study demonstrated the existence of a spontaneous and close relationship between the media and professional football players, as well as an influence felt by them as relevant and with an impact on their sports performance. In the third and last study, similar to the previous one, it was found that the interviewees consider the media a relevant factor of influence on professional football, with the potential to provoke in the teams, for example, states of lack of trust, cohesion and tension. In view of the above, it is suggested the importance of developing psychological skills as a strategy to deal with this tension, as well as the carrying out of continuous internal training for professional football players and coaches, in order to obtain a better effectiveness of the clubs' communication.
Over the years the relationship between football and the media has been changing and intensifying. On the one hand, the professionalization of their organizations and, on the other, the growth of the media and its impact on society. The media transmit messages that can influence norms, behavior and social values, transforming the image of many professional football players by making them famous. Their lives on and off the field proved to be attractive in the eyes of the media and their consumers, which could have consequences for their sporting performance. In a relationship that is intended to be increasingly disciplined and less disruptive, this study aims to first evaluate the relationship of influence that the media exert on professional football players, namely with regard to their sporting performance. For this purpose, three studies were carried out in which we sought to: a) firstly carry out a literature review of the narrative type, in order to contribute to a better understanding of the complex and mutually beneficial relationship between football and the media, whose evolution has been taking place over several decades; b) analyze how the influence of the media is perceived by professional football players, especially with regard to their sporting performance; c) finally, to investigate the influence of the media on professional football, considering the perception of coaches and team communication advisors. Based on a sample of 37 professional soccer players, 7 coaches and 5 communication advisors, semi-structured interviews were carried out to assess the current relationship between them and the media. The results show the existence of a small number of studies that link the issue of communication to professional football in the academy. In the first study, some difficulty was noted in defining a specific communication model for sport, particularly with regard to its hypothetical cause/effect relationship (message/effect emission on the receiver). The second study demonstrated the existence of a spontaneous and close relationship between the media and professional football players, as well as an influence felt by them as relevant and with an impact on their sports performance. In the third and last study, similar to the previous one, it was found that the interviewees consider the media a relevant factor of influence on professional football, with the potential to provoke in the teams, for example, states of lack of trust, cohesion and tension. In view of the above, it is suggested the importance of developing psychological skills as a strategy to deal with this tension, as well as the carrying out of continuous internal training for professional football players and coaches, in order to obtain a better effectiveness of the clubs' communication.
Desporto Futebol Media Performance Jogadores e Treinadores de futebol Profissional Assessores de Comunicação