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A Reabilitação da construção tem vindo a ser uma forma de intervenção cada vez mais praticada em detrimento da construção nova. O aproveitamento de edifícios existentes abandonados ou subutilizados é uma das formas mais racionais de promover a própria melhoria de vida das povoações com economia de meios materiais e financeiros.
O caso estudado, situado na freguesia de Arreigada no concelho Paços de Ferreira, é o de uma escola primária construída em 1995 e abandonada em 2013 devido à instalação de um novo centro escolar na freguesia. Para este objeto faz-se uma proposta de reabilitação e reconversão para equipamento de apoio à terceira idade, com vista à satisfação das necessidades atuais desta faixa etária.
A proposta propõe uma intervenção no edifício existente recorrendo a vários tipos de remodelações interiores assim como no seu espaço exterior e prevê uma ampliação para adequação e melhor funcionamento do edifício de acordo com o programa pretendido.
Tirando partido do estado de conservação razoável do edifício, entende-se viável e adequada esta proposta sendo estudadas e compreendidas as diferentes necessidades e modos de vivência entre crianças e idosos, refletindo-se nas soluções arquitetónicas encontradas e sugeridas no projeto.
The rehabilitation of buildings has been becoming one of the most studied and used tools of intervention instead of building something new. The use of buildings that already exist but are abandoned or underused is one of the most rational ways to promote the development of populations saving material and finantial resources. The studied case, located in the village of Arreigada in Paços de Ferreira, is of a primary school built in 1995 and abandoned in 2013, due to the construction of a new school in the area. To this building is made a rehabilitation and conversion proposal as seniors support equipment, to satisfy the present needs of this age group. The proposal intends to intervene in the present building making not only some indoor and outdoor renovations but also to enlarge it for a better use of the area. As the present building is in a reasonable condition, this proposal seems workable and convernient by being studied the diferent needs and living habits of senior population, thinking in architectural solutions and suggesting them in this project.
The rehabilitation of buildings has been becoming one of the most studied and used tools of intervention instead of building something new. The use of buildings that already exist but are abandoned or underused is one of the most rational ways to promote the development of populations saving material and finantial resources. The studied case, located in the village of Arreigada in Paços de Ferreira, is of a primary school built in 1995 and abandoned in 2013, due to the construction of a new school in the area. To this building is made a rehabilitation and conversion proposal as seniors support equipment, to satisfy the present needs of this age group. The proposal intends to intervene in the present building making not only some indoor and outdoor renovations but also to enlarge it for a better use of the area. As the present building is in a reasonable condition, this proposal seems workable and convernient by being studied the diferent needs and living habits of senior population, thinking in architectural solutions and suggesting them in this project.
Escola Primaria Idade Necessidade Reabilitação Readaptar Reconversão