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As marcas são, cada vez mais, uma importante componente de afirmação e expressão social. No mundo da moda, em especial, adquiriram particular relevância no mercado, sendo o ativo mais importante de empresas proeminentes nesta indústria. Usadas como emblemas de identidade, as marcas precisam, necessariamente, de conhecer o público a quem se dirigem, de forma a que o mesmo se identifique com os produtos e mensagens veiculadas.
O estudo e desenvolvimento do Branding de moda prende-se, neste sentido, com a análise do seu consumidor-alvo. A exploração das suas preferências e a compreensão do contexto que o envolve constitui um procedimento primordial, no que respeita ao desenvolvimento e conceção de marcas de moda. Tendo em conta a complexidade inerente a esta componente do Branding, torna-se necessário encontrar novos métodos que permitam compreender o consumidor, de forma mais concreta e qualitativa.
O uso dos Estudos de Tendências para definição do público-alvo revela-se útil para compreensão e segmentação do alvo da marca, permitindo obter uma visão clara e concreta das preferências e contextos do mesmo, o que conduz à construção de uma marca adaptada ao seu consumidor final.
Assim sendo, este projeto denomina-se “Contributos dos Estudos de Tendências Para a Criação da Identidade Visual de Uma Marca de Moda”, e aborda, além das problemáticas referidas, a construção de um sistema de identidade visual de marca, após a recolha e seleção de informação acerca do consumidor, através dos Estudos de Tendências.
Brands are, more and more, an important part of social expression and affirmation. In the fashion industry, particularly, brands acquired major relevance in the market, being the most important asset of leading companies in this field. Being used as identity badges, brands need, necessarily, to know their audience, in order to meet their expectations about their products and messages delivered. The Fashion Branding study and development relates to, consequently, the study of the target audience. The exploration of their preferences and the understanding of the context that surrounds it, is a paramount procedure, regarding to the design and development of fashion brands. Considering this Branding complexity, it becomes necessary to find new methods that allow to understand the consumer, in a more concrete and qualitative way. The use of Trends Studies to define the target audience reveals itself useful to understand and segment the brand’s focus, allowing it to obtain a clear vision of the public’s preferences and contexts, which leads to a brand adapted to it’s final consumer. This project is, then, called “Trends Studies’ Contributions to Create a Fashion Brand’s Visual Identity”, and it approaches, beyond the referred themes, the design of a brand’s visual identity system, after picking and selecting consumer related information, through Trends Studies.
Brands are, more and more, an important part of social expression and affirmation. In the fashion industry, particularly, brands acquired major relevance in the market, being the most important asset of leading companies in this field. Being used as identity badges, brands need, necessarily, to know their audience, in order to meet their expectations about their products and messages delivered. The Fashion Branding study and development relates to, consequently, the study of the target audience. The exploration of their preferences and the understanding of the context that surrounds it, is a paramount procedure, regarding to the design and development of fashion brands. Considering this Branding complexity, it becomes necessary to find new methods that allow to understand the consumer, in a more concrete and qualitative way. The use of Trends Studies to define the target audience reveals itself useful to understand and segment the brand’s focus, allowing it to obtain a clear vision of the public’s preferences and contexts, which leads to a brand adapted to it’s final consumer. This project is, then, called “Trends Studies’ Contributions to Create a Fashion Brand’s Visual Identity”, and it approaches, beyond the referred themes, the design of a brand’s visual identity system, after picking and selecting consumer related information, through Trends Studies.
Branding Consumidor Identidade Moda Tendências