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O estudo desenvolve-se em torno dos conceitos de identidade. Aborda o tema
arquitetónico da Identidade do Território, do Património Militar Português, a
Memória e Paisagem na Arquitetura, numa reflexão de como estas se fundem. As
propostas arquitetónicas estudadas, têm como propósito a criação de um
imaginário que se integra nas tradições e vivências da cidade onde se insere,
definindo-se também numa estratégia de aproximação da população a estes espaços
de caráter Militar, no caso da nossa ação projetual, o Castelo de Alcobaça. O projeto
de Mestrado Integrado propõe uma intervenção na alcáçova de Alcobaça, que
procura encontrar e abordar novas possibilidades de utilização e intervenção no
Património Arquitetónico Militar, que permitam a sua regeneração e valorização,
tanto para a população e os agentes locais, como para os visitantes, adquirindo uma
sustentabilidade que lhe permita perdurar no tempo. O Castelo de Alcobaça, outrora
vital para a defesa da povoação local e da comunidade de monges cistercienses, bem
como ponto estratégico no processo de conquista, encontra-se hoje em ruínas. A
razão pela escolha deste espaço, nasce da necessidade de uma intervenção ao nível
da sua reabilitação, reconhecendo a possibilidade de proporcionar atualmente no
Castelo de Alcobaça, um programa ligado à cultura para que a população se refugie
neste que é, um dos marcos da cidade, bem como explorar a sua história. Esta
fortificação tem posição dominante a noroeste sobre a povoação, na margem
esquerda do Rio Baça, das suas ruínas tem-se uma bela vista sobre a cidade,
inclusive o Mosteiro de Alcobaça, e campos envolventes. O projeto proposto
apresenta um programa multiusos, pois engloba não só a criação de novos
percursos, de modo a facilitar o acesso ao Castelo, bem como espaços de apoio aos
visitantes, que inclui também espaços de exposição do espólio deste monumento,
inclusive da cidade de Alcobaça.
The study is developed around the concepts of identity. It approaches the architectural theme of Territory Identity, Portuguese Military Heritage, Memory and Landscape in Architecture, in a reflection of how they merge. The architectural proposals studied, have as purpose the creation of an imaginary that is integrated in the traditions and experiences of the city where it belongs, also defining a strategy to approach the population to these spaces of Military character, in the case of our project action, the Castle of Alcobaça. The Integrated Master project proposes an intervention in the Alcobaça citadel, which seeks to find and address new possibilities for use and intervention in the Military Architectural Heritage, allowing its regeneration and enhancement, both for the population and local agents, as for visitors, acquiring a sustainability that allows it to endure in time. Alcobaça Castle, once vital for the defense of the local population and the community of Cistercian monks, as well as a strategic point in the conquest process, is now in ruins. The reason for the choice of this space, arises from the need for an intervention at the level of its rehabilitation, recognizing the possibility of providing in the Castle of Alcobaça, a program linked to culture for the population to take refuge in this that is, one of the landmarks of the city, as well as explore its history. This fortification has a dominant northwest position over the town, on the left bank of the Baça River, from its ruins there is a beautiful view over the town, including the Alcobaça Monastery, and surrounding countryside. The proposed project presents a multipurpose program, as it encompasses not only the creation of new routes, to facilitate access to the Castle, but also visitor support spaces, which also include exhibition spaces of the estate of this monument, including the city of Alcobaça
The study is developed around the concepts of identity. It approaches the architectural theme of Territory Identity, Portuguese Military Heritage, Memory and Landscape in Architecture, in a reflection of how they merge. The architectural proposals studied, have as purpose the creation of an imaginary that is integrated in the traditions and experiences of the city where it belongs, also defining a strategy to approach the population to these spaces of Military character, in the case of our project action, the Castle of Alcobaça. The Integrated Master project proposes an intervention in the Alcobaça citadel, which seeks to find and address new possibilities for use and intervention in the Military Architectural Heritage, allowing its regeneration and enhancement, both for the population and local agents, as for visitors, acquiring a sustainability that allows it to endure in time. Alcobaça Castle, once vital for the defense of the local population and the community of Cistercian monks, as well as a strategic point in the conquest process, is now in ruins. The reason for the choice of this space, arises from the need for an intervention at the level of its rehabilitation, recognizing the possibility of providing in the Castle of Alcobaça, a program linked to culture for the population to take refuge in this that is, one of the landmarks of the city, as well as explore its history. This fortification has a dominant northwest position over the town, on the left bank of the Baça River, from its ruins there is a beautiful view over the town, including the Alcobaça Monastery, and surrounding countryside. The proposed project presents a multipurpose program, as it encompasses not only the creation of new routes, to facilitate access to the Castle, but also visitor support spaces, which also include exhibition spaces of the estate of this monument, including the city of Alcobaça
Alcobaça Atmosferas Paisagem Património