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Esta dissertação consiste no estudo da história político-partidária do Brasil, associado ao
passado historicamente oligárquico da estrutura política do país, tomando como
referência a necessidade de uma Reforma Política cada vez mais urgente. A intenção é
demonstrar que, desde sua colonização por Portugal, o Brasil é comandado por uma
pequena elite, uma minoria que se perpetua no poder até os dias atuais, e não deseja a
Reforma Política por terem consciência que a consequência será a perda de seu poder.
Este trabalho foi realizado através de pesquisas bibliográficas baseadas em legislações,
novas e antigas, e textos de autores que já trataram direta ou indiretamento do tema,
utilizando o pensamento destes autores como base de reflexão. Este estudo procura criar
um pensamento crítico sobre como foram formadas as estruturas político-partidária e
institucional do país, e mostrar quão necessária é a Reforma Política num sentido amplo,
para o melhoramento da democracia no Brasil.
This dissertation consists of studying the political and party history of Brazil, associated with the historically oligarchic past of the country's political structure, taking as reference the need for an increasingly urgent Political Reform. The intention is to demonstrate that, since its colonization by Portugal, Brazil has been commanded by a small elite, a minority that perpetuates itself in power until today, and does not want Political Reform because they are aware that the consequence will be the loss of their power. This work was carried out through bibliographic research based on legislation, new and old, and texts by authors who have dealt directly or indirectly with the theme, using the thoughts of these authors as a basis for reflection. This study seeks to create critical thinking about how the country's political-party and institutional structures were formed, and to show how necessary Political Reform is in a broad sense, for the improvement of democracy in Brazil.
This dissertation consists of studying the political and party history of Brazil, associated with the historically oligarchic past of the country's political structure, taking as reference the need for an increasingly urgent Political Reform. The intention is to demonstrate that, since its colonization by Portugal, Brazil has been commanded by a small elite, a minority that perpetuates itself in power until today, and does not want Political Reform because they are aware that the consequence will be the loss of their power. This work was carried out through bibliographic research based on legislation, new and old, and texts by authors who have dealt directly or indirectly with the theme, using the thoughts of these authors as a basis for reflection. This study seeks to create critical thinking about how the country's political-party and institutional structures were formed, and to show how necessary Political Reform is in a broad sense, for the improvement of democracy in Brazil.
Imobilismo Oligarquia Partidos Políticos Reforma Política