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Depois da crise económica de 2008, vários foram os países obrigados a redefinir as suas
estratégias macroeconómicas e financeiras devido agudização das finanças públicas.
Portugal, com a agravante da crise da dívida soberana acabaria por prospetivar a
internacionalização como uma solução inevitável para a sobrevivência e crescimento do
tecido empresarial e sustentabilidade da economia, tanto ao nível nacional como regional.
A presente investigação tem como objetivo a definição de um modelo estratégico de
internacionalização para as PMEs agroalimentares da Beira Baixa até ao ano 2020.
Depois da análise conceptual da globalização, internacionalização, e competitividade, é
construída uma base teórica para uma definição estratégica. Destacando-se a atualidade
dos estudos do professor Michael Porter, que retrataram a realidade portuguesa na década
de noventa e que definiram a importância dos clusters para o desenvolvimento económico.
Será feita uma caracterização ao setor agroalimentar da Beira Baixa, utilizando dados
primários e secundários e as oportunidades de exportação que se apresentam a este
sector. Serão, ainda identificadas as oportunidades de financiamento do Programa
Portugal 2020.
Com base num quadro epistemológico referente à liberalização do comércio e
internacionalização das PMEs esta investigação definiu um modelo estratégico de quinze
passos: consciência da exportação como um processo, Recursos Humanos exclusivos e
qualificados para a exportação, conhecimento dos mercados internacionais, definição de
objetivos, mercados- e público-alvos, identificação de oportunidades de negócio,
realização de ações internacionais, manutenção dos contactos estabelecidos, utilização de
fundos comunitários, aumento da inovação, ultrapassar obstáculos logísticos,
reconhecimento internacional, utilização de canais digitais, criação de um departamento
de internacionalização, monotorização da estratégia, e aumento da notoriedade do setor
Concluímos com a definição da entidade gestora do Cluster Agroindustrial do Centro como
um agente local essencial para a execução de todo o plano estratégico.
After the 2008 economic crisis, several countries had to redefine their financial and macroeconomic strategies due to high levels of public spending. Portugal, with the added concerns of the sovereign debt crisis, ended up pursuing an international trade strategy as an inevitable solution for the growth and survival of businesses and economic sustainability, both at the national and regional levels. The current research aims to define a strategic model to internationalize Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the agricultural and food sector of the Beira Baixa region of Portugal, to be implemented until 2020. After developing a conceptual analysis for globalization, international trade, and competitiveness, we build a theoretical framework on which to build a strategy. Michael Porter’s studies continue to be of the utmost relevance, as they portray Portugal’s reality in the 1990s and identify the importance of clusters for economic development. We characterize the agricultural and food sector of Beira Baixa, using primary and secondary data sources, and the export opportunities that are available in this area. We also identify funding opportunities available within the Program Portugal 2020. Using an epistemological framework for the liberalization of trade and internationalization of SMEs, the current work defined a strategic model with 15 steps: awareness of exports as a process, qualified Human Resources dedicated to exports, knowledge of international markets, definition of goals, and target markets and customers, identification of business opportunities, implementation of international activities, management of networking contacts, utilization of EU funds, increasing innovation, overcoming obstacles in logistics, international recognition, utilization of digital media and channels, creation of an internationalization department, strategy monitoring, and increasing awareness of the agricultural and food sector. We conclude with the identification of the Agro-industrial Cluster of the Central Region of Portugal as the local entity which is essential to the implementation of the strategic plan.
After the 2008 economic crisis, several countries had to redefine their financial and macroeconomic strategies due to high levels of public spending. Portugal, with the added concerns of the sovereign debt crisis, ended up pursuing an international trade strategy as an inevitable solution for the growth and survival of businesses and economic sustainability, both at the national and regional levels. The current research aims to define a strategic model to internationalize Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the agricultural and food sector of the Beira Baixa region of Portugal, to be implemented until 2020. After developing a conceptual analysis for globalization, international trade, and competitiveness, we build a theoretical framework on which to build a strategy. Michael Porter’s studies continue to be of the utmost relevance, as they portray Portugal’s reality in the 1990s and identify the importance of clusters for economic development. We characterize the agricultural and food sector of Beira Baixa, using primary and secondary data sources, and the export opportunities that are available in this area. We also identify funding opportunities available within the Program Portugal 2020. Using an epistemological framework for the liberalization of trade and internationalization of SMEs, the current work defined a strategic model with 15 steps: awareness of exports as a process, qualified Human Resources dedicated to exports, knowledge of international markets, definition of goals, and target markets and customers, identification of business opportunities, implementation of international activities, management of networking contacts, utilization of EU funds, increasing innovation, overcoming obstacles in logistics, international recognition, utilization of digital media and channels, creation of an internationalization department, strategy monitoring, and increasing awareness of the agricultural and food sector. We conclude with the identification of the Agro-industrial Cluster of the Central Region of Portugal as the local entity which is essential to the implementation of the strategic plan.
Agroalimentar Competitividade Crescimento Exportação Inovação Internacionalização Mercados Sucesso