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A investigação desenvolvida nesta dissertação tem como objetivo descrever e analisar o
conflito na República Centro-Africana e nomeadamente como a MINUSCA tem
desenvolvido a capacidade de R2P da RCA. Começando por apresentar a Escola Inglesa
e a Responsabilidade de Proteger, que mostram uma comunidade internacional mais
moral e solidária, pretende-se que este estudo de caso esclareça se a operação MINUSCA
tem contribuído para a R2P da RCA. A proteção da população de crimes como os crimes
de guerra, crimes contra a humanidade, genocídio e limpeza étnica são responsabilidade
dos Estados e da comunidade internacional. Nesta investigação são apresentadas as
medidas tomadas pela MINUSCA que têm contribuído para a proteção da população e a
estabilização de vários distritos, melhorando a capacidade da RCA realizar a sua R2P. A
operação tem ajudado na reforma do sistema de segurança, o que tem permitido a
qualificação de vários indivíduos e o destacamento destes para diversas partes do
território já estabilizadas. Apesar do balanço positivo que fazemos da MINUSCA, é claro
que a falta de recursos humanos e materiais têm complicado a sua missão.
The research developed in this dissertation aims to describe and analyze the conflict in the Central African Republic and how MINUSCA has developed the capacity of R2P in RCA. Starting by introducing the English School and the Responsibility to Protect, that show a more moral and supportive international community, it is intended that this case study clarifies whether the MINUSCA operation has contributed to RCA's R2P. The protection of the population from crimes such as war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and ethnic cleansing are the responsibility of States and the international community. This investigation presents the population protection and stabilization measures of various districts taken by MINUSCA that have improved the capacity of RCA to carry out its R2P. The operation has helped to reform the security system, which has enabled the qualification of several individuals and their deployment to various parts of the territory that have already been stabilized. Despite the positive balance we make of MINUSCA, the lack of human and material resources has complicated its mission.
The research developed in this dissertation aims to describe and analyze the conflict in the Central African Republic and how MINUSCA has developed the capacity of R2P in RCA. Starting by introducing the English School and the Responsibility to Protect, that show a more moral and supportive international community, it is intended that this case study clarifies whether the MINUSCA operation has contributed to RCA's R2P. The protection of the population from crimes such as war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and ethnic cleansing are the responsibility of States and the international community. This investigation presents the population protection and stabilization measures of various districts taken by MINUSCA that have improved the capacity of RCA to carry out its R2P. The operation has helped to reform the security system, which has enabled the qualification of several individuals and their deployment to various parts of the territory that have already been stabilized. Despite the positive balance we make of MINUSCA, the lack of human and material resources has complicated its mission.
Militar Minusca Organização das Nações Unidas Peacekeeping República Centro-Africana Responsabilidade de Proteger