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A presente dissertação visa dar a conhecer todo o trabalho desenvolvido ao longo do ano
curricular de estágio. Este trabalho foi elaborado nas instituições Escola Secundária
Quinta das Palmeiras e no Agrupamento de escolas Pêro da Covilhã, no qual serão
apresentadas e explicadas algumas atividades e abordagens que se tiveram ao longo do
De modo mais específico, a primeira parte demonstra uma contextualização da entidade
acolhedora, tal como a intervenção que se teve ao longo do ano letivo. Essa intervenção
mostra quais foram os conteúdos abordados nas modalidades, bem como foram
lecionados. Além disso, também são descritos o trabalho e a relação desenvolvida com a
comunidade escolar, tal como o acompanhamento na direção de turma.
Já em relação à segunda parte, o trabalho de investigação tem o intuito de comparar os
resultados dos testes do FITescola® entre alunos de géneros diferentes, tendo em vista
perceber se existem diferenças significativas entre eles. No presente estudo foram só
utilizados os resultados do 1º período (devido à pandemia não foi possível recolher dados
do 2º e 3º períodos), tirando assim como conclusão que o género masculino apresenta
melhores resultados no teste de vaivém, abdominais, extensões de braços e de impulsão
horizontal, enquanto que género feminino apresenta melhores resultados no teste de
senta e alcança.
This dissertation aims to show all the work developed during the internship curricular year. This work was carried out at the Escola Secundária Quinta das Palmeiras institution and at the Pêro da Covilhã school group, in which some activities and approaches that took place throughout the year will be presented and explained. More specifically, the first part demonstrates a contextualization of the welcoming entity, such as the intervention that took place throughout the school year. This intervention shows which contents were covered in the modalities, as well as how they were taught. Also, the work and the relationship developed with the school community are described, as well as the supervision in the class direction. Concerning the second part, the research work aims to compare the results of FITescola® tests between students of different genders, to understand if there are significant differences between them. In the present study, only the results of the 1st period were used (due to the pandemic it was not possible to collect data from the 2nd and 3rd periods), thus concluding that the male gender presents better results in the PACER test, curl-ups, push-ups, and horizontal impulse, while females have better results in the sit and reach test.
This dissertation aims to show all the work developed during the internship curricular year. This work was carried out at the Escola Secundária Quinta das Palmeiras institution and at the Pêro da Covilhã school group, in which some activities and approaches that took place throughout the year will be presented and explained. More specifically, the first part demonstrates a contextualization of the welcoming entity, such as the intervention that took place throughout the school year. This intervention shows which contents were covered in the modalities, as well as how they were taught. Also, the work and the relationship developed with the school community are described, as well as the supervision in the class direction. Concerning the second part, the research work aims to compare the results of FITescola® tests between students of different genders, to understand if there are significant differences between them. In the present study, only the results of the 1st period were used (due to the pandemic it was not possible to collect data from the 2nd and 3rd periods), thus concluding that the male gender presents better results in the PACER test, curl-ups, push-ups, and horizontal impulse, while females have better results in the sit and reach test.
Alunos Aptidão Física Educação Física Escola Estágio Pedagógico Fitescola® Investigação Professor