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O presente relatório é resultado da reflexão feita a partir do estágio curricular realizado na
Embaixada de Portugal em Ottawa. As missões diplomáticas desempenham um papel
fundamental nas relações bilaterais entre países, sendo responsáveis por representar o
país de origem no país de destino, promovendo os interesses nacionais e estabelecendo e
mantendo relações de cooperação. Neste sentido, torna-se necessário compreender a
atuação da Embaixada de Portugal em Ottawa enquanto principal missão diplomática em
território canadense.
Tomando como ponto de partida o estágio curricular realizado nesta instituição e
adotando uma abordagem qualitativa, operacionalizada através da observação
participante e da análise documental, este relatório tem como objetivo explorar as relações
Portugal-Canadá, com ênfase no papel desempenhado pelo corpo diplomático português
no desenvolvimento das relações bilaterais e na promoção dos interesses nacionais e de
sua comunidade no estrangeiro.
Para cumprir com os objetivos propostos, o relatório apresenta um enquadramento
conceitual da diplomacia econômica, comercial e cultural, consideradas as vertentes mais
relevantes para este estudo, bem como uma breve análise acerca das especificidades das
missões diplomáticas e da evolução da diplomacia portuguesa. Seguindo a natureza
conceitual e contextual deste relatório, é explorada a definição e a presença da diáspora
dentre as diretrizes da política externa de Portugal, e a forma como constituiu-se a
comunidade portuguesa em território canadense ao longo dos anos. Por fim, é
apresentada a Embaixada, objeto principal deste estudo, suas respectivas competências
em cada uma das vertentes da diplomacia aqui abordadas, e como são executadas as suas
atividades em conjunto com os principais acordos e agências representativas do país.
This report is the result of the reflection made from the curricular internship carried out at the Embassy of Portugal in Ottawa. Diplomatic missions play a key role in bilateral relations between countries, being responsible for representing the home country in the host country, promoting national interests and establishing and maintaining cooperative relations. In this sense, it becomes necessary to understand the actions performed by the Embassy of Portugal in Ottawa as the main diplomatic mission in Canadian territory. Taking as a starting point the curricular internship carried out in this institution, and adopting a qualitative approach, operationalized through participant observation and document analysis, this report aims to explore Portugal-Canada relations, with emphasis on the role played by the Portuguese diplomatic corps in developing bilateral relations and promoting national interests and its community abroad. To achieve the proposed objectives, the report presents a conceptual framework of economic, commercial and cultural diplomacy, considered the most relevant aspects for this study, as well as a brief analysis about the specificities of diplomatic missions and the evolution of Portuguese diplomacy. Following the conceptual and contextual nature of this report, the definition and presence of the diaspora among Portugal's foreign policy guidelines are explored, as well as how the Portuguese community in Canadian territory was constituted over the years. Finally, the Embassy, the main object of this study, is presented, as well as its respective competencies in each of the aspects of diplomacy addressed here, and how its activities are carried out together with the main agreements and representative agencies of the country.
This report is the result of the reflection made from the curricular internship carried out at the Embassy of Portugal in Ottawa. Diplomatic missions play a key role in bilateral relations between countries, being responsible for representing the home country in the host country, promoting national interests and establishing and maintaining cooperative relations. In this sense, it becomes necessary to understand the actions performed by the Embassy of Portugal in Ottawa as the main diplomatic mission in Canadian territory. Taking as a starting point the curricular internship carried out in this institution, and adopting a qualitative approach, operationalized through participant observation and document analysis, this report aims to explore Portugal-Canada relations, with emphasis on the role played by the Portuguese diplomatic corps in developing bilateral relations and promoting national interests and its community abroad. To achieve the proposed objectives, the report presents a conceptual framework of economic, commercial and cultural diplomacy, considered the most relevant aspects for this study, as well as a brief analysis about the specificities of diplomatic missions and the evolution of Portuguese diplomacy. Following the conceptual and contextual nature of this report, the definition and presence of the diaspora among Portugal's foreign policy guidelines are explored, as well as how the Portuguese community in Canadian territory was constituted over the years. Finally, the Embassy, the main object of this study, is presented, as well as its respective competencies in each of the aspects of diplomacy addressed here, and how its activities are carried out together with the main agreements and representative agencies of the country.
Canadá Diáspora Diplomacia Embaixada Portugal