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Os sistemas de computação em nuvem, atualmente estão presentes na maioria dos serviços
disponibilizados pelas empresas de tecnologias de informação. Isto deve-se ao fácil acesso aos
serviços de computação em nuvem bem como a facilidade dos dispositivos em aceder a estes
serviços. Outro aspeto muito importante tanto para os utilizadores como para os provedores de
serviços em nuvem é a migração de máquinas virtuais. A migração de máquinas virtuais permite
equilibrar a carga de trabalho dos servidores e permite que os utilizadores continuem a utilizar
os serviços da nuvem sem interrupções por terem os seus servidores virtuais transferidos para
outros servidores físicos.
O foco deste trabalho consiste em analisar o desempenho da migração de instâncias em OpenStack,
o qual é explorado na perspetiva de uma Infraestrutura como Serviço (Infraestrutura como
Serviço (IaaS)), um modelo de serviço de auto atendimento que permite gerir infraestruturas de
um centro de processamento de dados. O IaaS representa essencialmente hardware que permite
o armazenamento e criação de servidores virtuais, conhecidos como instâncias ou máquinas
O sistema foi desenvolvido na plataforma OpenStack. O OpenStack foi instalado manualmente
com recursos ao ficheiro de nuvem do OpenStack. A infraestrutura do sistema é composta por
dois servidores de computação, com suporte do hypervisor Kernel-Based Virtual Machine (KVM)
que permite a criação das máquinas virtuais, um servidor de armazenamento que permite a
criação de volumes para a inicialização e armazenamento das máquinas virtuais e do sistema
operativo, um servidor Controller Node que armazena os serviços adicionais e de rede, que permite
a criação de uma topologia de rede para o funcionamento adequado das máquinas virtuais.
Recorrendo ao sistema implementado, o qual é baseado na série Newton do OpenStack foi realizado
um estudo de desempenho da migração passiva e da migração ativa de instâncias em
Cloud computing systems are currently present in most of the services provided by information technology companies.This is due to the easy access to cloud computing services as well as the easiness of devices to access these services. Another important aspect for both users and cloud service providers is the migration of virtual machines. Migrating virtual machines allows the balance of server workloads and allows users to continue to use cloud services seamlessly by having their virtual servers transferred to other physical servers. The focus of this work is to analyze the performance of the migration of instances in OpenStack, which is explored from the perspective of an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), a self-service model that allows the management of infrastructures in a data center. A IaaS essentially represents hardware that allows the storage and creation of virtual servers, known as instances or virtual machines. Cloud computing has gained virtualized computing power from storage provided through an infrastructure as a service, with high performance computing capability, provided by many providers, and used by many users. The system was developed on the OpenStack platform. OpenStack has been manually installed using the OpenStack cloud file. The system infrastructure consists of two computing servers, with hypervisor KVM support that allows the creation of virtual machines, a storage server that allows the creation of volumes for the initialization and storage of virtual machines and the system operative, a Controller Node server that stores the additional and network services, which allows the creation of a network typology for the proper functioning of the virtual machines. A performance study of passive migration and the active migration of instances in OpenStack was carried out using the implemented system, which is based on the Newton series of OpenStack.
Cloud computing systems are currently present in most of the services provided by information technology companies.This is due to the easy access to cloud computing services as well as the easiness of devices to access these services. Another important aspect for both users and cloud service providers is the migration of virtual machines. Migrating virtual machines allows the balance of server workloads and allows users to continue to use cloud services seamlessly by having their virtual servers transferred to other physical servers. The focus of this work is to analyze the performance of the migration of instances in OpenStack, which is explored from the perspective of an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), a self-service model that allows the management of infrastructures in a data center. A IaaS essentially represents hardware that allows the storage and creation of virtual servers, known as instances or virtual machines. Cloud computing has gained virtualized computing power from storage provided through an infrastructure as a service, with high performance computing capability, provided by many providers, and used by many users. The system was developed on the OpenStack platform. OpenStack has been manually installed using the OpenStack cloud file. The system infrastructure consists of two computing servers, with hypervisor KVM support that allows the creation of virtual machines, a storage server that allows the creation of volumes for the initialization and storage of virtual machines and the system operative, a Controller Node server that stores the additional and network services, which allows the creation of a network typology for the proper functioning of the virtual machines. A performance study of passive migration and the active migration of instances in OpenStack was carried out using the implemented system, which is based on the Newton series of OpenStack.
Back-End Computação Em Nuvem Front-End Hypervisor Iaas Máquina Virtual Migração de Instâncias Openstack