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O conhecimento Ă© um recurso valioso para o mundo dos negĂłcios e uma fonte importante
de vantagem competitiva. As prĂĄticas de partilha do conhecimento sĂŁo muito
importantes, pelo que a partilha do conhecimento se torna o segmento mais importante
e desafiante na gestĂŁo do conhecimento. A InteligĂȘncia Emocional (IE) Ă© listada pelo
World Economic Forum como uma competĂȘncia vital para prosperar na IndĂșstria 4.0.,
caracterizada como a era da informação, tecnologia e equipas de trabalho especializadas.
Dada a elevada importĂąncia destes dois conceitos no mundo dos negĂłcios atual e tendo
em conta que as caracterĂsticas de personalidade podem ter influĂȘncia no processo de
partilha de conhecimento, este estudo tem como objetivo principal identificar de que
forma Ă© que a InteligĂȘncia Emocional influencia a partilha do conhecimento, bem como
identificar prĂĄticas de partilha do conhecimento nas empresas portuguesas do setor
tĂȘxtil. Para atingir este objetivo, foi desenvolvida uma metodologia de investigação
quantitativa e qualitativa, com recolha de dados através de questionårios de tipo misto.
Os questionĂĄrios foram aplicados em nove gestores de clientes de trĂȘs empresas do setor
tĂȘxtil portuguĂȘs.
Os resultados obtidos demonstram que existe uma influĂȘncia positiva da InteligĂȘncia
Emocional na partilha do conhecimento, pois gestores de cliente com um nĂvel de IE
mais elevado apresentam maior disponibilidade e intenção de partilha do conhecimento
e identificam menos barreiras à partilha do conhecimento. Foi, também, percebido que,
apesar das empresas terem consciĂȘncia da importĂąncia de levarem a cabo iniciativas de
partilha de conhecimento, a verdade Ă© que ainda nĂŁo o fazem com a devida frequĂȘncia,
nem refletem muito sobre o tema.
Algumas das conclusĂ”es desta investigação remetem para o facto de a InteligĂȘncia
Emocional funcionar melhor quando é partilhado conhecimento tåcito. Para além disso,
foi concluĂdo que o nĂvel de InteligĂȘncia Emocional estĂĄ ligado ao nĂvel de partilha de
conhecimento â quanto maior for a IE, maior a partilha de conhecimento.
Knowledge is a valuable resource in the business world and an important source of competitive advantage. Knowledge sharing practices are very important, thus knowledge sharing becomes the most important and challenging segment in knowledge management. Emotional Intelligence (EI) is listed by the World Economic Forum as a vital competence to thrive in Industry 4.0., characterized as the age of information, technology and specialized work teams. Given the great importance of these two concepts in the current business world and considering that personality characteristics can have an influence on the knowledge sharing process, this study aims to identify how Emotional Intelligence influences the knowledge sharing, as well as identifying knowledge sharing practices in the portuguese textile industryâs companies. To achieve this goal, a quantitative and qualitative research methodology was developed, with data collection through mixed questionnaires. The questionnaires were applied to nine client managers from three companies in the portuguese textile industry. The results obtained demonstrate that there is a positive influence of Emotional Intelligence in knowledge sharing, as client managers with a higher EI level have greater availability and intention to share knowledge and identify less barriers to knowledge sharing. Also, it was found that, although managers know the importance of having knowledge sharing initiatives, the truth is that they do not promote those events frequently, and they do not think much about that. Some of the conclusions of this research are about the facto that EI works better when tacit knowledge is shared. Furthermore, it was concluded that the better the levels of EI are, the bigger the knowledge sharing is.
Knowledge is a valuable resource in the business world and an important source of competitive advantage. Knowledge sharing practices are very important, thus knowledge sharing becomes the most important and challenging segment in knowledge management. Emotional Intelligence (EI) is listed by the World Economic Forum as a vital competence to thrive in Industry 4.0., characterized as the age of information, technology and specialized work teams. Given the great importance of these two concepts in the current business world and considering that personality characteristics can have an influence on the knowledge sharing process, this study aims to identify how Emotional Intelligence influences the knowledge sharing, as well as identifying knowledge sharing practices in the portuguese textile industryâs companies. To achieve this goal, a quantitative and qualitative research methodology was developed, with data collection through mixed questionnaires. The questionnaires were applied to nine client managers from three companies in the portuguese textile industry. The results obtained demonstrate that there is a positive influence of Emotional Intelligence in knowledge sharing, as client managers with a higher EI level have greater availability and intention to share knowledge and identify less barriers to knowledge sharing. Also, it was found that, although managers know the importance of having knowledge sharing initiatives, the truth is that they do not promote those events frequently, and they do not think much about that. Some of the conclusions of this research are about the facto that EI works better when tacit knowledge is shared. Furthermore, it was concluded that the better the levels of EI are, the bigger the knowledge sharing is.
Gestores de Clientes IndĂșstria TĂȘxtil InteligĂȘncia Emocional Partilha do Conhecimento