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Quando falamos em solidariedade, naquilo que ela é e representa, deparamonos com um leque de opiniões bastante diversificadas entre si. Rapidamente
percebemos que a solidariedade pode ser interpretada e aplicada de diversas formas,
consoante a pessoa em questão. Pensando nisto à luz das gerações, temos aqui um
problema formulado. Tendo como principal objetivo entender as tipologias de
solidariedade características de cada geração, esta investigação contou com a
participação de cidadãos comuns, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e 75 anos,
repartidos entre a Geração Babyboomers, X, Y e Z. A análise baseou-se em inquéritos e
entrevistas aplicados aos mesmos. Por fim, constatamos que não se trata propriamente
de uma questão geracional, mas sim pessoal. As experiências passadas de cada um, o
percurso de vida ou até o sexo do individuo podem ter influência nos seus níveis de
When we talk about solidarity, in what it is and represents, we are faced with a range of opinions that are quite diverse among themselves. We quickly realized that solidarity can be interpreted and applied in different ways, depending on the person in question. Thinking about this in the light of the generations, we have a problem here. Having as main objective to understand the typologies of solidarity characteristic of each generation, this investigation counted with the participation of ordinary citizens, aged between 18 and 75 years old, divided between the Babyboomers Generation, X, Y and Z. The analysis was based in surveys and interviews applied to them. Finally, we found that it is not exactly a generational issue, but a personal one. The past experiences of each person, the life path or even the sex of the individual can influence their levels of solidarity.
When we talk about solidarity, in what it is and represents, we are faced with a range of opinions that are quite diverse among themselves. We quickly realized that solidarity can be interpreted and applied in different ways, depending on the person in question. Thinking about this in the light of the generations, we have a problem here. Having as main objective to understand the typologies of solidarity characteristic of each generation, this investigation counted with the participation of ordinary citizens, aged between 18 and 75 years old, divided between the Babyboomers Generation, X, Y and Z. The analysis was based in surveys and interviews applied to them. Finally, we found that it is not exactly a generational issue, but a personal one. The past experiences of each person, the life path or even the sex of the individual can influence their levels of solidarity.
Gerações Socialização Solidariedade