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Num mercado que é cada vez mais competitivo, existe a necessidade de uma aposta, por
parte das empresas, numa melhoria dos seus processos produtivos. Produzir mais, com
menos recursos e de uma forma mais eficiente e eficaz são os desafios dos dias de hoje para
as empresas.
A forte competitividade dos mercados a nível nacional e internacional tem influenciado
muitas empresas a estudar métodos e técnicas de eliminação dos desperdícios, redução de
custos e tempos, aumento da qualidade e da flexibilidade, sendo a filosofia Lean a base na
execução destes objetivos.
A Filosofia Lean consiste numa metodologia de gestão para a otimização de custos e redução
do tempo e dos desperdícios de uma empresa. Esta filosofia é baseada no Lean Thinking e
tem como prioridade a utilização de recursos de forma eficiente e direcionada para a
potencialização dos resultados e para o envolvimento das equipas para a melhoria contínua.
A Filosofia Lean propõe uma estratégia de negócios voltada para a satisfação do cliente.
Esta filosofia parece um conjunto de simples de princípios, mas a sua implementação não é
tão simples como parece. O principal elemento dos procedimentos do Lean são as pessoas
e a sua implementação depende delas e das mudanças que estão dispostas a fazer para que
o ambiente de trabalho seja alterado (mudanças culturais), do seu envolvimento, formação,
motivação e do apoio que recebem da parte da gestão.
Com a aplicação da metodologia Lean nas empresas as pessoas sentiram a necessidade do
seu estudo e de perceberem melhor como a sua aplicação funcionaria. O estudo desta
metodologia tem vindo a crescer nos último 20 anos de forma incalculável. Apesar deste
aumento de interesse no estudo do Lean, ainda nenhuma organização foi capaz de se
aproximar do nível de sucesso da Toyota.
Desta forma, o presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo fazer a análise da Filosofia
Lean como fator de produtividade, como funciona a sua implementação e como se encontra
o estudo desta filosofia.
In a market that is increasingly competitive, there is a need by the companies to invest in improving their production processes. Produce more with fewer resources and in a more efficient and effective way are the today’s companies’ challenges. The markets national and international level competitiveness has influenced a lot of companies to study methods and techniques of waste elimination, cost and time reduction, quality and flexibility improving, being Lean thinking the core center in these objectives execution. Lean Thinking consists in a management methodology to optimize costs and reduce the companies’ time and waste. This philosophy is based on Lean Thinking and has as priorities the efficient resources use and it’s guidance towards its highest potential, as well as involving the teams on their continuous improvement. Lean Thinking proposes a business strategy towards the client satisfaction. Despite this philosophy appears to be just a set of simple principles, its implementation is not as easy as it seems. People are the principal element of Lean’s procedures and the implementation of these same procedures is people dependent and dependent of what changes they are willing to do to improve their work environment (cultural changes). This implementation is also dependent on people involvement, their education, motivation and support received from management. Application of Lean’s methodology in companies has grown and so, there was a growing need of study and better understanding, about how the application of this same methodology would work. Over the past 20 years the study of this methodology had suffering an exponentially growing. However, despite this increased interest in Lean study, no organization, yet, was able to approach Toyota’s level of success. This work has as primary goal the analyzation of Lean Thinking as a productivity factor, how its implementation works and how is the current study of this philosophy.
In a market that is increasingly competitive, there is a need by the companies to invest in improving their production processes. Produce more with fewer resources and in a more efficient and effective way are the today’s companies’ challenges. The markets national and international level competitiveness has influenced a lot of companies to study methods and techniques of waste elimination, cost and time reduction, quality and flexibility improving, being Lean thinking the core center in these objectives execution. Lean Thinking consists in a management methodology to optimize costs and reduce the companies’ time and waste. This philosophy is based on Lean Thinking and has as priorities the efficient resources use and it’s guidance towards its highest potential, as well as involving the teams on their continuous improvement. Lean Thinking proposes a business strategy towards the client satisfaction. Despite this philosophy appears to be just a set of simple principles, its implementation is not as easy as it seems. People are the principal element of Lean’s procedures and the implementation of these same procedures is people dependent and dependent of what changes they are willing to do to improve their work environment (cultural changes). This implementation is also dependent on people involvement, their education, motivation and support received from management. Application of Lean’s methodology in companies has grown and so, there was a growing need of study and better understanding, about how the application of this same methodology would work. Over the past 20 years the study of this methodology had suffering an exponentially growing. However, despite this increased interest in Lean study, no organization, yet, was able to approach Toyota’s level of success. This work has as primary goal the analyzation of Lean Thinking as a productivity factor, how its implementation works and how is the current study of this philosophy.
Fatores de Desperdício Filosofia Lean Implementação Melhoria Contínua