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Assumindo a COVID-19 como uma pandemia que só agora começa a desvendar as suas
consequências, torna-se expectável que façamos uma retrospetiva sobre a realidade que
vivenciámos por dois anos. Tendo em conta que a população idosa foi um dos grupos mais
afetados, considerámos investigar o Centro Social e Cultural de Verdelhos, um lar de
terceira idade da Freguesia de Verdelhos e Concelho da Covilhã.
Neste sentido, a investigação terá como foco o impacto da crise pandémica sobre três
vertentes, que se complementam: a própria Instituição, o CSCV; os utentes que estariam a
usufruir da Resposta Social de Centro de Dia em março de 2020, data de inicio da crise
pandémica; e os familiares responsáveis por esses utentes.
Ao conduzir a investigação de acordo com as três vertentes referidas, vamos abordar
temas tais como os desafios enfrentados pelos utentes nesta fase. Nesse sentido faremos
menção à importância das redes de apoio em situações de crise, nas quais acabam por
surgir práticas alternativas. Entre essas práticas encontra-se o processo de
institucionalização, uma situação variável de acordo com a pessoa e contexto. Tornou-se
também imprescindível averiguar se existiam políticas públicas e sociais, ao nível do país,
preparadas para apoiar os grupos lesados em situações de crise, neste caso, a crise
Para alcançar os objetivos desta investigação, foram conduzidas várias entrevistas
dirigidas a três grupos distintos. Primeiramente, as entrevistas foram realizadas a um dos
elementos da direção do CSCV e dois colaboradores da Instituição; em seguida,
entrevistámos os utentes que se encontravam em Resposta Social de Centro de Dia no
CSCV, em 2020; e, por último, os familiares intitulados como responsáveis por esses
Assuming COVID-19 as a pandemic that is only now beginning to unravel its consequences, it is expected that we will look back at the reality we experienced for two years. Bearing in mind that the elderly population was one of the most affected groups, we considered investigating the Centro Social e Cultural de Verdelhos, a home for the elderly in the Parish of Verdelhos and the Municipality of Covilhã. In this sense, the research will focus on the impact of the pandemic crisis on three aspects, which complement each other: the Institution itself, the CSCV; users who would be enjoying the Day Center Social Response in March 2020, the start date of the pandemic crisis; and the family members responsible for these users. When conducting research according to the three aspects mentioned above, we will address issues such as the challenges faced by users at this stage. In this sense, we will mention the importance of support networks in crisis situations, in which alternative practices emerge. Among these practices is the institutionalization process, a situation that varies according to the person and context. It also became essential to find out if there were public and social policies, at the country level, prepared to support injured groups in crisis situations, in this case, the pandemic crisis. To achieve the objectives of this investigation, several interviews were conducted with three different groups. Firstly, the interviews were carried out with one of the members of the CSCV's management and two employees of the Institution; then, we interviewed the users who were in the Social Response of the Day Center at the CSCV, in 2020; and, finally, the family members who are responsible for these users.
Assuming COVID-19 as a pandemic that is only now beginning to unravel its consequences, it is expected that we will look back at the reality we experienced for two years. Bearing in mind that the elderly population was one of the most affected groups, we considered investigating the Centro Social e Cultural de Verdelhos, a home for the elderly in the Parish of Verdelhos and the Municipality of Covilhã. In this sense, the research will focus on the impact of the pandemic crisis on three aspects, which complement each other: the Institution itself, the CSCV; users who would be enjoying the Day Center Social Response in March 2020, the start date of the pandemic crisis; and the family members responsible for these users. When conducting research according to the three aspects mentioned above, we will address issues such as the challenges faced by users at this stage. In this sense, we will mention the importance of support networks in crisis situations, in which alternative practices emerge. Among these practices is the institutionalization process, a situation that varies according to the person and context. It also became essential to find out if there were public and social policies, at the country level, prepared to support injured groups in crisis situations, in this case, the pandemic crisis. To achieve the objectives of this investigation, several interviews were conducted with three different groups. Firstly, the interviews were carried out with one of the members of the CSCV's management and two employees of the Institution; then, we interviewed the users who were in the Social Response of the Day Center at the CSCV, in 2020; and, finally, the family members who are responsible for these users.
Centro de Dia Covid-19 Cuidador
Informal Idosos “Semi-Institucionalizados” Institucionalização Políticas Sociais Redes de Apoio