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O presente relatório, realizado no âmbito da unidade curricular “Estágio” do Mestrado
Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, encontra-se divido em duas partes, a primeira diz
respeito à vertente de investigação e a segunda ao estágio em Farmácia Comunitária.
A primeira parte aborda a temática de “Aplicações de Algas como Ingredientes
Cosméticos”. Tendo em conta a atual preferência dos consumidores por ingredientes
naturais, a indústria cosmética tem manifestado um forte interesse quer nos extratos de
algas quer nos seus metabolitos bioativos. Assim, nos últimos anos, foram realizados
inúmeros estudos com o intuito de descobrir e corroborar os benefícios destes
ingredientes ao nível da pele. A sua aplicação em produtos cosméticos, no mercado
europeu, depende da disponibilidade comercial de ingredientes cosméticos que
cumpram os requisitos de qualidade e segurança descritos no Regulamento 1223/2009.
Neste relatório são abordados alguns dos desafios do uso de algas em cosméticos, os
principais metabolitos responsáveis pelos efeitos das algas ao nível da pele e as suas
diversas aplicações no âmbito da cosmética. Ao longo deste trabalho, foram identificados
ingredientes cosméticos à base de algas disponíveis no mercado e analisada a
documentação disponibilizada pelos fornecedores quanto à sua aplicação, alegações
cosméticas e estudos de sustentação realizados. No total foram estudados 21
ingredientes, sendo que no que diz respeito à tipologia de algas usadas verificou-se que
15 são microalgas e as restantes 6 são macroalgas, tendo-se identificado 10 alegações
cosméticas. Conclui-se que estão comercialmente disponíveis ingredientes que
permitem a formulação de cosméticos à base de algas com aplicações em cuidados de
rosto, corporal e capilar.
A segunda parte é relativa às atividades desenvolvidas no decorrer do estágio em
Farmácia Comunitária, na Figueira da Foz, sob orientação da Dr.ª Paula Alhinho.
This report, carried out within the scope of the curricular unit “Internship” of the Integrated Masters in Pharmaceutical Sciences, is divided into two parts: the research aspect and the Community Pharmacy experience. The first part addresses the theme “Applications of Algae as Cosmetic Ingredients”. Nowadays, due to consumers preference for natural ingredients, the cosmetics industry has shown a strong interest in algae extracts and their bioactive metabolites. Thus, in recent years, numerous studies have been performed to discover and corroborate the benefits of these ingredients at the skin level. Its application in cosmetic products in the European market depends on the commercial availability of cosmetic ingredients that meet the quality and safety requirements described in Regulation 1223/2009. This report addresses some of the challenges of using algae in cosmetics, the leading metabolites responsible for the effects of algae on the skin and their various applications in cosmetics. Throughout this work, seaweed-based cosmetic ingredients available on the market were identified and the documentation provided by suppliers was analyzed regarding their application, cosmetic claims and support studies carried out. In total, 21 ingredients were studied, and concerning the type of algae used, 15 are microalgae and the remaining 6 are macroalgae, having identified 10 cosmetic claims. It is concluded that are available commercially ingredients which allow the formulation of algae-based cosmetics with applications in face, body and hair care. The second part concerns the activities developed during the internship in a community pharmacy in Figueira da Foz, under the guidance of Dr. Paula Alhinho.
This report, carried out within the scope of the curricular unit “Internship” of the Integrated Masters in Pharmaceutical Sciences, is divided into two parts: the research aspect and the Community Pharmacy experience. The first part addresses the theme “Applications of Algae as Cosmetic Ingredients”. Nowadays, due to consumers preference for natural ingredients, the cosmetics industry has shown a strong interest in algae extracts and their bioactive metabolites. Thus, in recent years, numerous studies have been performed to discover and corroborate the benefits of these ingredients at the skin level. Its application in cosmetic products in the European market depends on the commercial availability of cosmetic ingredients that meet the quality and safety requirements described in Regulation 1223/2009. This report addresses some of the challenges of using algae in cosmetics, the leading metabolites responsible for the effects of algae on the skin and their various applications in cosmetics. Throughout this work, seaweed-based cosmetic ingredients available on the market were identified and the documentation provided by suppliers was analyzed regarding their application, cosmetic claims and support studies carried out. In total, 21 ingredients were studied, and concerning the type of algae used, 15 are microalgae and the remaining 6 are macroalgae, having identified 10 cosmetic claims. It is concluded that are available commercially ingredients which allow the formulation of algae-based cosmetics with applications in face, body and hair care. The second part concerns the activities developed during the internship in a community pharmacy in Figueira da Foz, under the guidance of Dr. Paula Alhinho.
Algas Cosméticos Dermocosmética Farmácia Comunitária Ingredientes Cosméticos Pele