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Este estudo tem como tema a socialização de género e o papel do agente educativo escola
nos níveis pré-escolar e primário. O género e as assimetrias e desigualdades a ele associadas
são uma área de investigação central na Sociologia. Ao mesmo tempo a escola é
consensualmente reconhecida como um pilar primordial para o desenvolvimento educacional
e cívico. Com base nestas temáticas, o enfoque do nosso problema de investigação foi tentar
perceber como se realiza o processo de socialização de género entre crianças da pré-escola e
ATL (Atividades de Tempos Livres) e quais os efeitos que a frequência de uma “Oficina de
formação em educação género e cidadania” por educadoras infantis teve ou podem vir a ter
nas suas práticas educativas diárias. Acionando uma metodologia de tipo qualitativo em que a
técnica principal foi a observação direta com o suporte de duas outras técnicas de recolha de
dados, a análise documental e a entrevista semi estruturada, o estudo decorreu em duas salas
– de infantário e ATL (Atividades de Tempos Livres) de uma instituição na cidade da Covilhã.
Os resultados indicam que a socialização é fortemente marcada pelos papéis de género, que
em ambas as faixas etárias e salas observadas se manifestaram de acordo com a lógica
dominante de cariz tradicionalista de atividades e contextos femininos e masculinos. A ação e
práticas educativas das educadoras que frequentaram a oficina de formação denotam uma
sensibilização para as questões do género e da cidadania, mas não ainda uma efetiva
This research focus gender socialization and the role of the educational agents?kindergarten and primary school. Gender asymmetries and inequalities is a central area of research in Sociology. At the same time school is widely recognized as a key pillar for educational development and citizenship. Based on these themes our research aimed to understand how the process of the gender socialization occur among children in the spaces of kindergarten and Free Time Activities (ATL) for children attending primary school and also what effects the participation in a “Training workshop on gender, education and citizenship” for educators had on their daily educational practices. This study took place in two rooms – kindergarten and ATL of an institution in Covilhã. Using a qualitative methodology supported mainly on the direct observation but with document analysis and semi structured interview as additional techniques. The results indicate that socialization in the two groups studied is strongly shaped by gender roles according to the dominant logic of traditionalist activities for men and women contexts. Both action and educational practices of the educators that have attended the training workshop show awareness for gender and citizenship issues but not yet an effective promotion.
This research focus gender socialization and the role of the educational agents?kindergarten and primary school. Gender asymmetries and inequalities is a central area of research in Sociology. At the same time school is widely recognized as a key pillar for educational development and citizenship. Based on these themes our research aimed to understand how the process of the gender socialization occur among children in the spaces of kindergarten and Free Time Activities (ATL) for children attending primary school and also what effects the participation in a “Training workshop on gender, education and citizenship” for educators had on their daily educational practices. This study took place in two rooms – kindergarten and ATL of an institution in Covilhã. Using a qualitative methodology supported mainly on the direct observation but with document analysis and semi structured interview as additional techniques. The results indicate that socialization in the two groups studied is strongly shaped by gender roles according to the dominant logic of traditionalist activities for men and women contexts. Both action and educational practices of the educators that have attended the training workshop show awareness for gender and citizenship issues but not yet an effective promotion.
Educação Pré-Primária- Infância Formação de Educadoras Género- Papeis de Género Pedagogia Igualitária Socialização de Género