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A presente dissertação tem como objeto de estudo a obra, escrita e de criação
arquitetónica, do arquiteto suíço Peter Zumthor, e a consequente concretização da sua(s)
atmosfera(s), através da análise de três grandes pilares que estruturam o seu
pensamento: memória, local e construção. Pilares estes, fundamentais na conceção dos
seus projetos, que têm de estar em consonância para que a obra faça sentido como um
O estudo desenvolveu-se a partir da análise bibliográfica das suas obras escritas bem
como das suas arquiteturas concluídas. Posto isto, a metodologia adotada para esta
dissertação passa pela abordagem do tema da memória, a importância das suas
memórias de infância e do local, ao experienciar pela primeira vez a localidade da obra;
do local, dada a pertinência da topografia assim como do espaço envolvente e, por fim,
da construção, devido ao sentido e à utilização dos materiais, que vai muito além das suas
normas de composição. O cheiro, a acústica, a sensibilidade, entre outros, todas estas
propriedades têm de ser consideradas e contribuem por sua vez para o caráter único de
cada obra. Em paralelo serão analisadas ao pormenor determinadas obras do arquiteto,
escolhidas de forma seletiva e justificada, que se encontram interligadas com cada um
destes temas, de forma a perceber como é que Peter Zumthor consegue, em obras de
índole distintos, alcançar o conceito de atmosfera.
The present dissertation has as object of study the work, written and architectural creation, of the Swiss architect Peter Zumthor, and the consequent materialization of its atmosphere(s), through the analysis of three great pillars that structure his thought: memory, place, and construction. Such pillars are fundamental in the conception of his projects, which must be aligned for the work to make sense as a whole. The study was developed from the bibliographical analysis of his written works as well as his completed architectures. That said, the methodology adopted for this dissertation involves approaching the theme of memory, the importance of his childhood memories and the place, when experiencing the location of the work for the first time; of the site, given the relevance of the topography as well as the surrounding space and, finally, of the construction, due to the meaning and use of materials, which goes far beyond its composition norms. The smell, acoustics, sensitivity, among others, all these properties have to be understood and motivated in turn for the unique character of each work. In parallel, specific details of the architect will be followed, chosen in a selective and justified way, which are interconnected with each of these themes, in order to understand how Peter Zumthor manages, in works of different nature, to achieve the concept of atmosphere.
The present dissertation has as object of study the work, written and architectural creation, of the Swiss architect Peter Zumthor, and the consequent materialization of its atmosphere(s), through the analysis of three great pillars that structure his thought: memory, place, and construction. Such pillars are fundamental in the conception of his projects, which must be aligned for the work to make sense as a whole. The study was developed from the bibliographical analysis of his written works as well as his completed architectures. That said, the methodology adopted for this dissertation involves approaching the theme of memory, the importance of his childhood memories and the place, when experiencing the location of the work for the first time; of the site, given the relevance of the topography as well as the surrounding space and, finally, of the construction, due to the meaning and use of materials, which goes far beyond its composition norms. The smell, acoustics, sensitivity, among others, all these properties have to be understood and motivated in turn for the unique character of each work. In parallel, specific details of the architect will be followed, chosen in a selective and justified way, which are interconnected with each of these themes, in order to understand how Peter Zumthor manages, in works of different nature, to achieve the concept of atmosphere.
Arquitetura Atmosfera(S) Construção Detalhe Local Memória Peter Zumthor