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A Perturbação de Hiperatividade e Défice de Atenção (PHDA) é, hoje, a perturbação neuro-comportamental mais frequente em crianças em idade escolar, cujos sintomas são a desatenção, impulsividade e hiperatividade. A presente investigação propõe uma reflexão sociológica acerca do processo de medicalização e do tratamento medicamentoso desta perturbação, bem como dos efeitos psicossociais resultantes da definição e gestão médicas desta condição. A sua etiologia é primariamente aceite como uma condição biológica, fazendo com que fatores sociais, culturais, éticos e políticos permaneçam como papel secundário.
Pretende-se discutir e investigar como este tema é abordado pelos media e como estes influenciam e contribuem para a construção social da hiperatividade, no contexto português. Igualmente, esta investigação visa analisar criticamente o aumento do número de crianças diagnosticadas e tratadas medicamente com PHDA, explorando-se os processos de medicalização, biomedicalização e psiquiatrização da infância. Faz-se uma distinção entre as fronteiras do “normal” e do “patológico”.
Nesta investigação foram realizadas dez entrevistas a mães de crianças diagnosticadas com PHDA e duas entrevistas a profissionais médicos (pediatra e pedopsiquiatra). A partir das entrevistas realizadas a mães procura-se compreender a perspetiva que possuem da doença e todo o seu processo envolvente. Convoca-se ainda a contribuição do discurso médico sobre a PHDA, resultante não apenas da revisão bibliográfica, mas também através das entrevistas realizadas aos especialistas.
The Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is today the neuro-behavioral disorder most common in school-age children, whose symptoms are inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. This research proposes a sociological reflection on the process of medicalization and drug treatment of this disorder, as well as on the psychosocial effects resulting from the definition and management of this medical condition. Its etiology is primarily accepted as a biological condition, causing social, cultural, ethical and political to stand as a secondary role. It is intended to discuss and investigate how this issue is addressed by the media and how they influence and contribute to the social construction of hyperactivity in the Portuguese context. Also, this research aims to critically analyze the increasing number of diagnosed and medically treated children with ADHD, exploring the processes of medicalization and psychiatric biomedicalization of childhood. The boundaries between the "normal" and "pathological" are also discussed and analyzed. Ten interviews were conducted with mothers of children diagnosed with ADHD and two with medical professionals (pediatrician and child psychiatrist). From the analysis of the former to understand the perspective they build on the disease and on its surrounding process. The analysis of the contribution of medical discourse on ADHD is made not only from the literature review, but also from interviews with experts.
The Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is today the neuro-behavioral disorder most common in school-age children, whose symptoms are inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. This research proposes a sociological reflection on the process of medicalization and drug treatment of this disorder, as well as on the psychosocial effects resulting from the definition and management of this medical condition. Its etiology is primarily accepted as a biological condition, causing social, cultural, ethical and political to stand as a secondary role. It is intended to discuss and investigate how this issue is addressed by the media and how they influence and contribute to the social construction of hyperactivity in the Portuguese context. Also, this research aims to critically analyze the increasing number of diagnosed and medically treated children with ADHD, exploring the processes of medicalization and psychiatric biomedicalization of childhood. The boundaries between the "normal" and "pathological" are also discussed and analyzed. Ten interviews were conducted with mothers of children diagnosed with ADHD and two with medical professionals (pediatrician and child psychiatrist). From the analysis of the former to understand the perspective they build on the disease and on its surrounding process. The analysis of the contribution of medical discourse on ADHD is made not only from the literature review, but also from interviews with experts.
PHDA (Perturbação de hiperatividade e défice de atenção) Infância - Medicalização