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Com este Relatório de Estágio pretendemos evidenciar o trabalho realizado ao longo de uma época desportiva na Escola de Futebol “Geração Benfica” Estádio da Luz onde tivemos o privilégio de estagiar visando completar o Mestrado em Ciências do Desporto – Treino Desportivo na Universidade da Beira Interior.
Optámos por realizar o Estágio num clube de futebol de maior dimensão como o Sport Lisboa e Benfica também para nos colocar à prova e testar as nossas capacidades e conhecimentos. Este foi um processo que nos permitiu ganhar uma vasta experiência trabalhando com várias equipas de futebol de formação possibilitando variadas aprendizagens de cariz prático em contexto de elevada exigência e com uma grande diversidade de solicitações uma vez que acompanhamos e intervimos no treino e em competição de equipas muito distintas em termos etários, de qualidade e potencial.
Tivemos ainda a oportunidade de realizar um breve trabalho de investigação com um grupo de jovens jogadores de elite que acompanhamos ao longo da época. Procuramos compreender a influência e resultados da metodologia assumida pela Escola de Futebol “Geração Benfica” e processo de treino no tipo de ações predominantemente realizadas por estes jovens jogadores quantificando um conjunto de variáveis relativas ao processo ofensivo e defensivo em diversas situações de jogos reduzidos (GR+3 vs 3+GR, GR+4 vs 4+GR e jogo formal GR+6 vs 6+GR). Verificámos que os jogadores analisados optavam frequentemente pelo drible e por passar a bola a companheiros melhor posicionados para marcar golo raramente optando eles próprios pelo remate. Tais resultados permitiram obter indicações importantes para ajustar o processo de treino de jovens jogadores com elevada qualidade e potencial contribuído também assim, ainda que de forma muito singela, para uma reflexão e procura de melhoria de uma entidade formadora de excelência que pretende sempre evoluir.
With this Internship Report we intend to highlight the work carried out during a sporting season at the Football Stadium "Geração Benfica" Estádio da Luz where we had the privilege of interning in order to complete the Master's Degree in Sport Sciences - Sports Training at the University of Beira Interior. We chose to hold the Internship in a larger football club like Sport Lisboa e Benfica also to test and test our skills and knowledge. This was a process that allowed us to gain a vast experience working with several teams of soccer training allowing a variety of practical learning in a context of high demand and with a great diversity of requests since we accompany and intervene in the training and in competition of teams very different in terms of age, quality and potential. We also had the opportunity to do a brief research with a group of young elite players that we have followed throughout the season. We aimed to understand the influence and results of the methodology adopted by the Football School "Geração Benfica" and training process in the actions mainly chosen by these players quantifying a set of variables related to the offensive and defensive process in several reduced game situations (GR+3 vs 3+GR, GR+4 vs 4+GR and formal game GR+6 vs 6+GR). We’ve found that the analyzed players often opted for dribbling and passing the ball to better positioned colleague to score, rarely trying to shot. These results allowed to withdraw important information in order to adjust the training process of young players with high quality and potential, and also contributed, although in a very simple way, to reflect and search for the improvement of an excellence academy that is always aiming to evolve.
With this Internship Report we intend to highlight the work carried out during a sporting season at the Football Stadium "Geração Benfica" Estádio da Luz where we had the privilege of interning in order to complete the Master's Degree in Sport Sciences - Sports Training at the University of Beira Interior. We chose to hold the Internship in a larger football club like Sport Lisboa e Benfica also to test and test our skills and knowledge. This was a process that allowed us to gain a vast experience working with several teams of soccer training allowing a variety of practical learning in a context of high demand and with a great diversity of requests since we accompany and intervene in the training and in competition of teams very different in terms of age, quality and potential. We also had the opportunity to do a brief research with a group of young elite players that we have followed throughout the season. We aimed to understand the influence and results of the methodology adopted by the Football School "Geração Benfica" and training process in the actions mainly chosen by these players quantifying a set of variables related to the offensive and defensive process in several reduced game situations (GR+3 vs 3+GR, GR+4 vs 4+GR and formal game GR+6 vs 6+GR). We’ve found that the analyzed players often opted for dribbling and passing the ball to better positioned colleague to score, rarely trying to shot. These results allowed to withdraw important information in order to adjust the training process of young players with high quality and potential, and also contributed, although in a very simple way, to reflect and search for the improvement of an excellence academy that is always aiming to evolve.
Benfica Futebol Futebol de Formação Tomada de Decisão Treino