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A diminuição dos nascimentos ainda é uma tendência prevalente nalguns países europeus, nomeadamente do Sul, incluindo Portugal. A Cova da Beira não foge à regra, apresentando uma taxa bruta de nascimentos inferior à média nacional.
Vários fatores são apontados por diversos autores como influenciadores da transição e adaptação à parentalidade, mas a existência de redes sociais de apoio prevalece como fonte fundamental de auxílio para homens e mulheres que atravessam a experiência nova e stressante de serem pais.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo geral analisar a relação existente entre a identificação e utilização de redes sociais pelos pais e a transição para a parentalidade na região da Cova da Beira e mais especificamente compreender de que forma a existência, o tipo e a utilização destas redes de apoio influenciam ou não a transição para a parentalidade.
Realizou-se um estudo correlacional baseado no método hipotético-dedutivo, tendo como população-alvo as famílias da Cova da Beira que empreendem num projeto de construção de uma parentalidade. Para a colheita de dados foram elaborados dois questionários, um para as mães e outro para os pais, que permitiram a recolha de informação pertinente ao estudo. A análise dos dados foi efetuada através da análise descritiva e da análise inferencial.
Pelos testes de hipóteses efetuados, concluiu-se que a existência de redes sociais não determina nem condiciona a decisão das famílias da Cova da Beira em terem filhos, mas o apoio que recebem das mesmas, designadamente da rede informal é relevante para que o processo de transição para a parentalidade decorra mais facilmente, sendo este facto transversal, quer à classe social quer aos rendimentos da família.
Propõe-se com este trabalho o investimento, não só na promoção de redes de apoio formais para jovens e adultos, em temáticas específicas sobre a parentalidade, fomentadas pela Rede Social do concelho, mas também na necessidade de sensibilização dos autarcas locais, sobre a importância de investir em medidas de incentivo à natalidade. Sugere-se, para esse fim, a realização de outros estudos que permitam perceber que medidas poderiam ser ou não tomadas pelas autarquias e entidades patronais que estimulassem um aumento da natalidade no interior.
The decline in births is still a prevalent trend in some European countries, notably in the south, including Portugal. Cova da Beira is no exception to the rule, with a gross rate of births lower than the national average. A variety of factors can be singled out by several authors as influencers of transition and adaptation to parenting but the existence of social support networks prevails as a key source of help for men and women going through the new and stressful experience of being parents. The main goal of this study was to analyze the relation between the identification and the use of social networks by parents and the transition to parenthood in the region of Cova da Beira and, more specifically, to understand in what ways the existence, the type and the use of these social networks influence, or not, the transition to parenthood. A correlational study was made based on a hypothetical deductive method, having as a populational target the families of Cova da Beira, who are undertaking a development project of parenting. For data gathering, two questionnaires were elaborated, one for the mothers and the other for the fathers, who allowed the intake of information pertinent to the study. The data analysis was processed through descriptive and inferential analysis. Through these hypothesis tests it was concluded that the existence of social networks does not determine and does not condition the decisions of the families in Cova da Beira to have children, but the support they receive from them, including the informal network, is relevant for the transition project into parenthood to proceed more easily, this being applied to both the social class and the family income. This work proposes the investment, not only in the promotion of formal support networks for youths and adults, in specific themes about parenthood, fomented by the local Social Network, but also the need to raise awareness of the local elected officials about the importance to invest in childbirth incentive measures. For this purpose, it is suggested the conduction of other studies that allow the understanding of what measures could be, or not, taken by the local government and other entities to stimulate a raise in childbirth in the inner cities.
The decline in births is still a prevalent trend in some European countries, notably in the south, including Portugal. Cova da Beira is no exception to the rule, with a gross rate of births lower than the national average. A variety of factors can be singled out by several authors as influencers of transition and adaptation to parenting but the existence of social support networks prevails as a key source of help for men and women going through the new and stressful experience of being parents. The main goal of this study was to analyze the relation between the identification and the use of social networks by parents and the transition to parenthood in the region of Cova da Beira and, more specifically, to understand in what ways the existence, the type and the use of these social networks influence, or not, the transition to parenthood. A correlational study was made based on a hypothetical deductive method, having as a populational target the families of Cova da Beira, who are undertaking a development project of parenting. For data gathering, two questionnaires were elaborated, one for the mothers and the other for the fathers, who allowed the intake of information pertinent to the study. The data analysis was processed through descriptive and inferential analysis. Through these hypothesis tests it was concluded that the existence of social networks does not determine and does not condition the decisions of the families in Cova da Beira to have children, but the support they receive from them, including the informal network, is relevant for the transition project into parenthood to proceed more easily, this being applied to both the social class and the family income. This work proposes the investment, not only in the promotion of formal support networks for youths and adults, in specific themes about parenthood, fomented by the local Social Network, but also the need to raise awareness of the local elected officials about the importance to invest in childbirth incentive measures. For this purpose, it is suggested the conduction of other studies that allow the understanding of what measures could be, or not, taken by the local government and other entities to stimulate a raise in childbirth in the inner cities.
Família Redes Sociais Taxa de Natalidade Transição Para A Parentalidade