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O presente trabalho tem como tema o género da fábula na literatura de tradição oral angolana e portuguesa: o caso de Icolo e Bengo e Bragança. Os corpora para a elaboração desta pesquisa dissertativa foram recolhidos a partir de dois ensaios, primeiro sendo o Estudo da fábula Ambundu (para a fábula de tradição oral de Icolo e Bengo) e o segundo, Património imaterial do Douro – narrações orais (para a fábula de tradição oral de Bragança). No entanto, para que houvesse um maior aprofundamento na análise dissertativa do corpus, achou-se conveniente restringir este a doze fábulas de tradição oral para cada literatura, o que totalizou vinte e quatro fábulas.
O propósito fulcral deste estudo dissertativo foi cotejar as fábulas da literatura oral de Icolo e Bengo e de Bragança. Para que isso ocorresse, utilizou-se o método comparativo, limitando-se as teorias estrutural e semiótico-contextual, que facultou a realização do cotejo a nível estrutural e semiótico destas narrativas, destacando-se os aspetos semelhantes e dissemelhantes entre as fábulas de tradição oral de ambas as literaturas e contextualizando-as nas culturas de Icolo e Bengo e de Bragança.
A dissertação está estruturada em quatro capítulos. O primeiro e o segundo tratam dos aspetos teóricos. Nesta parte, tecem-se considerações sobre o conceito de literatura, a noção de literatura oral, a questão dos géneros desta literatura bem como a morfologia da fábula de tradição oral. O terceiro e o quarto capítulos tratam dos aspetos analíticos propriamente dito, aquele a nível estrutural, e este a nível semiótico, sempre numa base comparativista.
Do ponto de vista estrutural, analisa-se a forma como as fábulas de tradição oral de Icolo e Bengo e de Bragança são ordenadas segundo a lógica das ações, as particularidades das personagens, as coordenadas cronotópicas e a sintaxe categorial, segundo esquemas sequenciais e actanciais de Greimas. Já no domínio da semiótica da narrativa presta-se atenção à relação entre o texto e o contexto, analisando-se de forma criteriosa a macroestrutura, a referencialização e a intencionalidade, a fim de que se compreenda a estrutura significativa, mais ampla, subjacente à fábula de tradição oral das duas literaturas.
Acredita-se que os dados aqui analisados podem ser úteis para o desenvolvimento de mais estudos sobre as narrativas de tradição oral em Angola e em Portugal, e para uma maior valorização dessas fábulas.
The present work has as theme the genre of the fable in Angolan and Portuguese oral tradition literature: the case of Icolo and Bengo and Bragança. The corpora for the elaboration of this dissertative research were collected from two essays, first the study of the fable Ambundu (for the Icolo and Bengo oral tradition fable) and the second, Douro immaterial Heritage - oral narratives (for the Bragança oral tradition fable). However, in order to deepen the analysis of the corpus, it was convenient to restrict the dissertation into twelve oral tradition fables for each literature, which totaled twenty-four fables. The main purpose of this dissertation was to compare the Icolo and Bengo and Bragança oral literature fables. For that, it was used the comparative method, limiting itself to the structural and semiotic-contextual theory, which allowed the accomplishment of the structural and semiotic comparison of these narratives, highlighting the similar and dissimilar aspects between the oral tradition fables presentation of both literatures and contextualizing them in the cultures of Icolo and Bengo and Bragança. The dissertation is structured in four chapters. The first and second deal with the theoretical aspects. In this part, we consider the concept of literature, the notion of oral literature, the question of the genders of this literature as well as the morphology of the oral tradition fable. The third and fourth chapters deal with the analytical aspects proper, that at the structural level, and this at the semiotic level, always on a comparative basis. From a structural point of view, we analyze the way as the oral tradition fables of Icolo and Bengo and Bragança are ordered according to the logic of the actions, the particularities of the characters, the chronotopic coordinates and the categorical syntax, according to sequential and actantial schemes by Greimas. While in the field of narrative semiotics, it is paid attention in the relationship between the text and the context, with a careful analysis of macroplanning, referencing and intentionality, in order to understand the meaningful structure, broader, underlying the oral tradition fable of the two literatures. It is believed that the data analyzed here may be useful for the development of further studies on narratives of oral tradition in Angola and Portugal, and for a greater appreciation of these fables.
The present work has as theme the genre of the fable in Angolan and Portuguese oral tradition literature: the case of Icolo and Bengo and Bragança. The corpora for the elaboration of this dissertative research were collected from two essays, first the study of the fable Ambundu (for the Icolo and Bengo oral tradition fable) and the second, Douro immaterial Heritage - oral narratives (for the Bragança oral tradition fable). However, in order to deepen the analysis of the corpus, it was convenient to restrict the dissertation into twelve oral tradition fables for each literature, which totaled twenty-four fables. The main purpose of this dissertation was to compare the Icolo and Bengo and Bragança oral literature fables. For that, it was used the comparative method, limiting itself to the structural and semiotic-contextual theory, which allowed the accomplishment of the structural and semiotic comparison of these narratives, highlighting the similar and dissimilar aspects between the oral tradition fables presentation of both literatures and contextualizing them in the cultures of Icolo and Bengo and Bragança. The dissertation is structured in four chapters. The first and second deal with the theoretical aspects. In this part, we consider the concept of literature, the notion of oral literature, the question of the genders of this literature as well as the morphology of the oral tradition fable. The third and fourth chapters deal with the analytical aspects proper, that at the structural level, and this at the semiotic level, always on a comparative basis. From a structural point of view, we analyze the way as the oral tradition fables of Icolo and Bengo and Bragança are ordered according to the logic of the actions, the particularities of the characters, the chronotopic coordinates and the categorical syntax, according to sequential and actantial schemes by Greimas. While in the field of narrative semiotics, it is paid attention in the relationship between the text and the context, with a careful analysis of macroplanning, referencing and intentionality, in order to understand the meaningful structure, broader, underlying the oral tradition fable of the two literatures. It is believed that the data analyzed here may be useful for the development of further studies on narratives of oral tradition in Angola and Portugal, and for a greater appreciation of these fables.
Angola Bragança Comparativismo Fábula Icolo e Bengo Literatura Oral Portugal