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Introdução e Objetivos: A diabetes mellitus tipo 2 é altamente prevalente e acarreta
variadas complicações clínicas, entre elas a disfunção sexual. Esta tem repercussões
negativas na satisfação sexual, um importante indicador de qualidade de vida e bem-estar,
de modo que se torna relevante avaliar este parâmetro nos doentes diabéticos, visto que é
um assunto comumente negligenciado na prática clínica. O objetivo deste estudo foi
determinar a prevalência de insatisfação sexual e fatores que a influenciam, bem como
estabelecer estratégias de promoção da satisfação sexual que possam ser aplicadas nos
doentes diabéticos, em contexto de cuidados de saúde primários.
Materiais e Métodos: A recolha de dados decorreu em cinco centros de saúde nas cidades
de Coimbra e Covilhã, entre 2018 e 2020. A escala Medida Global de Satisfação Sexual
(GMSEX) e um questionário de saúde foram aplicados a mulheres e homens diabéticos com
idades compreendidas entre os 34 e os 90 anos (média de idades de 67 ± 11 anos). As
análises descritiva e inferencial foram realizadas recorrendo ao SPSS® 25.0; foi
considerado um nível de significância de 0,05 para o efeito.
Resultados: No total, 110 diabéticos (55,5% homens) foram inquiridos. A prevalência de
insatisfação sexual foi de 31,8%. A insatisfação sexual foi associada de forma significativa à
idade avançada e ao sexo feminino. Ter uma baixa escolaridade, um mau controlo da
diabetes, uma baixa aderência à metformina e tomar outro fármaco associaram-se a menor
satisfação sexual. A presença de doença prostática, neoplásica e outra patologia, a perceção
subjetiva de disfunções sexuais e o menor número de parceiros sexuais também
aumentaram significativamente a probabilidade de ser sexualmente insatisfeito. As
disfunções sexuais mais reportadas pelos homens foram a disfunção erétil (49,2%) e o
desejo sexual hipoativo (14,8%); as mulheres reportaram mais frequentemente o desejo
sexual hipoativo (55,1%) e a dispareunia (18,4%) – no geral, a prevalência da perceção de
disfunções sexuais foi de 55,5%.
Conclusões: A satisfação sexual é uma boa medida de avaliação da saúde geral dos doentes
diabéticos e os profissionais de saúde devem discuti-la na consulta. São necessários mais
estudos futuros para melhor compreender as correlações verificadas.
Aims/Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is highly prevalent and causes several clinical complications, including sexual dysfunction. This one has negative repercussions on sexual satisfaction, an important indicator of quality of life and well-being, so it becomes relevant to evaluate this parameter in diabetic patients, since it is a subject that is commonly neglected in clinical practice. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of sexual dissatisfaction and factors that influence it, as well as to establish strategies to promote sexual satisfaction which can be applied on diabetic patients, in the context of primary health care. Materials and Methods: Data collection took place in five health care centers in the cities of Coimbra and Covilhã, between 2018 and 2020. The Global Measure of Sexual Satisfaction (GMSEX) scale and a health questionnaire were applied to diabetic women and men with ages between 34 and 90 years (mean age 67 ± 11 years). Descriptive and inferential analyzes were performed using SPSS® 25.0; a significance level of 0.05 was considered. Results: A total of 110 diabetics (55.5% men) were screened. The prevalence of sexual dissatisfaction was 31.8%. Sexual dissatisfaction was significantly associated with old age and female gender. Low schooling, poor diabetes control, low adherence to metformin and taking another drug were associated with less sexual satisfaction. The presence of prostatic disease, neoplastic and other pathology, the subjective perception of sexual dysfunction and a smaller number of sexual partners also significantly increased the likelihood of being sexually dissatisfied. The sexual dysfunctions most reported by men were erectile dysfunction (49.2%) and hypoactive sexual desire (14.8%); women more frequently reported hypoactive sexual desire (55.1%) and dyspareunia (18.4%) - in general, the prevalence of self-perceived sexual dysfunction was 55.5%. Conclusions: Sexual satisfaction is a good measure for assessing the general health of diabetic patients and health professionals should discuss it at the consultation. Further studies are needed to better understand the correlations found.
Aims/Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is highly prevalent and causes several clinical complications, including sexual dysfunction. This one has negative repercussions on sexual satisfaction, an important indicator of quality of life and well-being, so it becomes relevant to evaluate this parameter in diabetic patients, since it is a subject that is commonly neglected in clinical practice. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of sexual dissatisfaction and factors that influence it, as well as to establish strategies to promote sexual satisfaction which can be applied on diabetic patients, in the context of primary health care. Materials and Methods: Data collection took place in five health care centers in the cities of Coimbra and Covilhã, between 2018 and 2020. The Global Measure of Sexual Satisfaction (GMSEX) scale and a health questionnaire were applied to diabetic women and men with ages between 34 and 90 years (mean age 67 ± 11 years). Descriptive and inferential analyzes were performed using SPSS® 25.0; a significance level of 0.05 was considered. Results: A total of 110 diabetics (55.5% men) were screened. The prevalence of sexual dissatisfaction was 31.8%. Sexual dissatisfaction was significantly associated with old age and female gender. Low schooling, poor diabetes control, low adherence to metformin and taking another drug were associated with less sexual satisfaction. The presence of prostatic disease, neoplastic and other pathology, the subjective perception of sexual dysfunction and a smaller number of sexual partners also significantly increased the likelihood of being sexually dissatisfied. The sexual dysfunctions most reported by men were erectile dysfunction (49.2%) and hypoactive sexual desire (14.8%); women more frequently reported hypoactive sexual desire (55.1%) and dyspareunia (18.4%) - in general, the prevalence of self-perceived sexual dysfunction was 55.5%. Conclusions: Sexual satisfaction is a good measure for assessing the general health of diabetic patients and health professionals should discuss it at the consultation. Further studies are needed to better understand the correlations found.
Cuidados de Saúde Primários Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 Disfunção Sexual Gmsex Satisfação Sexual