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O propósito deste estudo consiste em avaliar a adesão da população portuguesa às
medidas de proteção contra a infeção por SARS-CoV-2 e identificar os canais de
comunicação mais utilizados e com maior capacidade de influência junto de cada setor.
Os dados necessários à realização do estudo foram recolhidos através de um inquérito
online, divulgado através de SMS e email, tendo como alvo a população residente em
Portugal, com idade igual ou superior a 16 anos. Foram recolhidos 1445 inquéritos
válidos, 28,4% (n=410) dos quais correspondentes a homens com idade média de
41,3±14,1 anos e 71,6% (n=1035) a mulheres com idade média de 38,6±13,0 anos. Os
dados obtidos foram posteriormente submetidos a uma análise descritiva e analítica.
Determinou-se a importância atribuída às medidas de proteção contra a Covid-19
(11,48±1,06; escala 0-12), o grau de adesão (21,05±2,56; escala 0-24) e a perceção da
qualidade da informação transmitida pelas entidades oficiais (27,0±6,46; escala 8-40) e
pelo médico assistente (28,96±4,55; escala 7-35) através de escalas de Likert.
Foram identificados preditores de elevados níveis de adesão às medidas de proteção,
nomeadamente, ser mulher (OR=1,375; CI: [1,072; 1,763]), pertencer a faixas etárias
mais elevadas (OR=1,012; CI: [1,003; 1,021]), ter falado com o médico assistente sobre a
Covid-19 (OR=1,659; CI: [1,254; 2,196]) e percecionar a informação fornecida pelas
entidades oficiais como tendo mais qualidade (OR=1,036; CI: [1,018; 1,054]), sendo
todos eles fatores que aumentam a probabilidade de ter elevados níveis de adesão às
medidas de proteção. Pelo contrário, reconhecer ser influenciado pelas redes sociais
(OR=0,649; CI: [0,489; 0,862]), ter sido infetado por SARS-CoV-2 (OR=0,524;
CI: [0,348; 0,788]), achar que os riscos associados à doença estão a ser sobrevalorizados
(OR=0,693; CI: [0,492; 0,975]) e não saber se os riscos estão a ser sobrevalorizados
(OR=0,593; CI: [0,420; 0,837]) reduzem essa probabilidade.
Os noticiários da rádio e televisão e a imprensa escrita são os canais de comunicação com
maior frequência de acesso para recolha de informação relacionada com a Covid-19,
seguindo-se os amigos e familiares e as redes sociais, assumindo estas maior importância
nas faixas etárias mais jovens e nos indivíduos com nível de escolaridade mais baixo,
grupos nos quais revelam também maior capacidade de influência.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the adherence of the Portuguese population to the protection measures against the infection by SARS-CoV-2 and to identify which media outlets are most used and more likely to influence each sector. The data used in this study was collected through a survey, shared by SMS and email, targeting Portugal’s resident population with ages equal to or greater than 16. A total of 1445 valid surveys were collected, 28,4% (n=410) of which belonged to men (mean age = 41,3±14,1 years) and 71,6% (n=1035) belonged to women (mean age = 38,6±13,0 years). The data obtained was submitted to a descriptive and analytical analysis. The degree of importance assigned to the protection measures against Covid-19 (11,48±1,06 on a 0-12 scale), the level of adherence (21,05±6,46 on a 0-24 scale), the perception of the quality of the information transmitted by the official authorities (27,0±6,46 on a 8-40 scale) and by the attending doctor (28,96±4,55 on a 7-35 scale) were obtained by Likert scales. Predictors of high levels of adherence to the protective measures were identified, namely being a woman (OR=1,375; CI: [1,072; 1,763]), belong to older age groups (OR=1,012; CI: [1,003; 1,021]), have spoken to the attending doctor about Covid-19 (OR=1,659; CI: [1,254; 2,196]) and perceive the information provided by the official authorities as having more quality (OR=1,036; CI: [1,018; 1,054]), being all these factors responsible for the probability of having higher levels of adhesion to the protection measures. On the other hand, acknowledging to be influenced by social media (OR=0,649; CI: [0,489; 0,862]), having been infected by SARS-CoV-2 (OR=0,524; CI: [0,348; 0,788]), thinking the risks associated with the disease are being overvalued (OR=0,693; CI: [0,492; 0,975]) and not knowing if the risks are being overestimated (OR=0,593; CI: [0,420; 0,837]) reduce this probability. The television and radio news, as well as written press are the most used communication channels to obtain information related to Covid-19, following friends/family and social media, playing the last one a major role in younger age groups and in individuals with lower levels of education, groups that reveal greater ability to be influenced.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the adherence of the Portuguese population to the protection measures against the infection by SARS-CoV-2 and to identify which media outlets are most used and more likely to influence each sector. The data used in this study was collected through a survey, shared by SMS and email, targeting Portugal’s resident population with ages equal to or greater than 16. A total of 1445 valid surveys were collected, 28,4% (n=410) of which belonged to men (mean age = 41,3±14,1 years) and 71,6% (n=1035) belonged to women (mean age = 38,6±13,0 years). The data obtained was submitted to a descriptive and analytical analysis. The degree of importance assigned to the protection measures against Covid-19 (11,48±1,06 on a 0-12 scale), the level of adherence (21,05±6,46 on a 0-24 scale), the perception of the quality of the information transmitted by the official authorities (27,0±6,46 on a 8-40 scale) and by the attending doctor (28,96±4,55 on a 7-35 scale) were obtained by Likert scales. Predictors of high levels of adherence to the protective measures were identified, namely being a woman (OR=1,375; CI: [1,072; 1,763]), belong to older age groups (OR=1,012; CI: [1,003; 1,021]), have spoken to the attending doctor about Covid-19 (OR=1,659; CI: [1,254; 2,196]) and perceive the information provided by the official authorities as having more quality (OR=1,036; CI: [1,018; 1,054]), being all these factors responsible for the probability of having higher levels of adhesion to the protection measures. On the other hand, acknowledging to be influenced by social media (OR=0,649; CI: [0,489; 0,862]), having been infected by SARS-CoV-2 (OR=0,524; CI: [0,348; 0,788]), thinking the risks associated with the disease are being overvalued (OR=0,693; CI: [0,492; 0,975]) and not knowing if the risks are being overestimated (OR=0,593; CI: [0,420; 0,837]) reduce this probability. The television and radio news, as well as written press are the most used communication channels to obtain information related to Covid-19, following friends/family and social media, playing the last one a major role in younger age groups and in individuals with lower levels of education, groups that reveal greater ability to be influenced.
Adesão Canais de Comunicação Covid-19 Medidas de Proteção Portugal Preditores